Neogy Titwhistle

"I could perhaps like others have astonished you with strange improbable tales; but I rather chose to relate plain matter of fact in the simplest manner and style; because my principle design was to inform you, and not to amuse you."

Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels

Entries 566

Page 12 of 23

September 28, 2017

As always. in A small but passable life.

The nights are still cool enough to sleep with open windows and the A/C off. But the days are forecast to return to the upper nineties for a week or so. November 8, 1805. Lewis & Clark have r...

First, the weather. The A/C has been turned off and the windows opened for two nights in a row now. It was sixty-five degrees in here this morning when I woke up. The daytime highs haven’t reache...

September 22, 2017

Fall! in A small but passable life.

Today may the first day since I’d arrived on May 1st that the daytime temperature won’t rise above ninety degrees. We’ll see. October 19th, 1805- Lewis and Clark are on the Western side of the c...

September 18, 2017

Nine years. in A small but passable life.

For only the second time since May I was able to turn off the A/C and open the windows at midnight. It was 75 degrees at midnight and 75 degrees this morning at 8am. The forecast calls for night ...

Yesterday was a fine uneventful day. Coffee and reading and putting together a crockpot of soup in the morning. After lunch I drove Mom to her GP. In and out fairly quickly. Back home for NPR on ...

We left the house yesterday morning at about 10:30am and didn’t return until nearly 2pm. One of the last stops was a mall. A shopping mall of pretty good size. It was sadly deserted. What stores ...

The phone rang before 8am this morning. I let it ring until Mom picked it up in the house. A few minutes later she came out and said it was for me. Daughter, calling with a question about the cam...

Yesterday I gave Lillie from across the street a ride to Nikki’s beauty shop. I dropped her off and went to St. Vincent’s thrift shop for a look around. I didn’t see anything new. I went to Walma...

Why am I seeing ads for gun silencers on PB? Most odd. Or just stupid? I went to the hospital yesterday to have lunch with Mom. I ate all mine. She ate none of hers. I went back home. Mom called ...

Mom went to go play with her friends yesterday at 1pm. Less than an hour later Lillie from across the street called and said that mom had passed out at the table. She was bringing Mom’s car to me...

September 06, 2017

Amused. in A small but passable life.

Mom didn’t bring it up yesterday so I thought it prudent that I shouldn’t either. Maybe she just didn’t realize what day it was. I remember a couple of months ago when I happened to mention that ...

I’ll call it a productive day in that I actually did something. This morning I went to the grocery store and wandered a bit. I forgot ketchup. This evening I went to the pool house to shower and ...

I’m amused by the conservatives habit of making up derogatory names for liberals. Especially when the liberals really have ever only used one for conservatives: stupid. libtard antifa Really? Th...

Mom has finally heard through her brother in Midland about his daughter and her family in Houston. Their house never flooded but is basically on a small island. They are currently hosting/housing...

September 02, 2017

Dipshits. in A small but passable life.

Hypocrisy. Both Republicans and Texans. They both say “Fuck the Federal Government” until they need money. Dipshits. The common folks though, we’d better say “there but for the grace of the flyi...

I did write an entry every day for nearly a week. I found that it really emphasized how utterly boring . . . no wait, not boring. I’m never bored. Let’s say uneventful and unworthy of being chron...

I finished the novel “The Silent Corner” by Dean Koontz. Apparently this is going to be an ongoing character and story. He’s good at those. Okay, so Photobucket craps out on the freebies and OD i...

Today was a good day. Coffee, reading the novel, NPR, and a nice nap. I fried some center cut pork chops for dinner. I had to browse my “Media” book to find something to watch last night. So now ...

I had such a peaceful and relaxing morning with my coffee and novel that after I finished my third and final cup of coffee I decided to go run errands, solo. I went and filled the car up. I went ...

I was up a little after 8am this morning as usual. Mom was already gone, out to breakfast with a friend. As soon as I’d poured my first cup of coffee the phone rang. It was the Lowe’s delivery gu...

No new frig today. We waited. A phone call in the late afternoon informing that it will be delivered between 11am and 2pm tomorrow. We’ll see. So, today was as all days have been, should be. I’ve...

I couldn’t wait until this morning to finish the last third of the novel. I shut down all electronics and read it to the end last night. “Camino Island” by John Grisham. It is so popular it has a...

Twenty-four hours since I last logged on to PB. No bookmarks have updated. I don’t believe that has ever happened before. Today was a good day. Up at 8am. Coffee and another third of the novel re...

Today was a go to the library day. Which meant up and out of bed at 8am, put on a pot of coffee, pour a cup for Mom, pour a cup for myself, go back out and change into street clothes, load up poc...

I went back ten years in my journal to poke around a bit. $2.58 a gallon for gas and a fill up was $70. If I had $70 now I don’t know what I could possibly buy with it. It was strange reading abo...

Books 1

566 Entries