
"A classic is something everyone wants to have read but no one wants to read."

Mark Twain

Entries 33

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Must write before I forget.. I was sitting in a VW bug(I could tell from the shape of the inside) parked or at a stop light/sign in a downtown that kind of looked like Richmond, VA, when all of ...

At least Im (almost) never bored. Got picked up from work by my honey, his BFF, and our whiny, spoiled, rich-boy friend tonight. Im not quite sure exactly how we got the mile home with out me pun...

Vacation on the east coast was wonderful. The fiance finally got to meet my brother, sister-in-law and my niece. All love him. My honey and my mom butted heads, but that was to be expected. Neith...

More Harry Potter tonight. Its nice. We have a fire going. I really dont know what to write, I just know that Im trying to get back into the habit of writing again. No matter how mundane it may...

List form is just so much easier... -I've attempted to hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada twice. Didnt quite make it either time but I have nearly 4000 hiking miles under my belt...

I mean, I know I do it too on occasion, but damn, its painful to listen to. I have sensitive teeth so I cant even begin to think I can crack a sucker, I just absentmindedly gnaw on them. Then he ...

People suck. End of story. I wish. Long story short, for a chick who does not cry in front of people at work ever, I cried at work 4 times tonight. Funny though, not because of customers. Too m...

Apparently Im one of the many former OD users who has decided to just say fuck it. Tired of all the slow. I tried wordpress for a while, but did not like it. This seems much simpler. Here I sit...

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