
Entries 265

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A flag cannot bring hope. It can, however, lend strength. Hope, you have to find by yourself.

Apparently people are shocked that some of the members of Boko Haram went to Western universities, and the people who knew them are surprised that the apparent contradiction between their educati...

See, this is the last photo from the previous entry: And this is what happens when I run it through a quick, automated cleanup: I need to learn how to do more. At the very least, I need to ...

The weekend as Xueling's birthday, so naturally there are photos It's a doting father thing. And there were two parties: One at her school, and one at my parents' place which invol...

You can escape from the box you have been put in by finding another box to jump into, but when's all said and done you are still a prisoner, and you are still stuck in a box. You can't escape be...

AM: Why be kind, when the world is cruel? Me: Because if the world is cruel, then the only kindness that can exist is that which we create. AM: But the ability does not imply obligation. Me:...

Me: You are not retarded. You are, in fact, extremely accelerated. I wish to point out, however, that unless you start working, you will be in a class where everyone is accelerating harder than y...

"Autocorrect is my worst enema." Although technically this would be an autocucumber. Auto cowpat. Ducking autocar. Autocomplete.

Every musical note there has ever been has already been played. That does not mean there are no new songs. ~~My status today.

You don't get to write for yourself. You have to write for your audience. You do get to choose your audience, but if you then choose yourself as your only audience you might as well just pat yo...

I, er. Did not expect to see that first thing in the morning. Edited to add: Apparently the real headline is "...braces for AFP offensive"

Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1957: Photography is not like painting. There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life ...

Caffeine got asked (kind of out of the blue) to join in on this guy's videography project; apparently he's making an MTV and would like her in it. She agreed, scheduling to go as Inori from Guil...

This pretty much describes my attitude to the way I do things nowadays: Ed Seedhouse: My life experience is that we are all stupid from time to time. The larger stupidity here was allowing (c...

Do not, when caught by surprise with good news, celebrate in front of your colleagues by doing this: There are always devout people hiding there, sheep in wolves' clothing, and they will be up...

I conclude, thus, that people are beautiful. Not just when they dress up and pose and make themselves beautiful for the camera but in the lines of their bodies In movement, or in repo...

(Or intelligent design proponents) If your argument is that intelligence and elegance can only come from greater intelligence and elegance... Well, I pity your children.

It has been noted that when I take Fenfedrin, my brain's already low latent inhibitions appear to drop to zero. The last time I took it a couple of years ago, I woke up (it also makes you drowsy)...

I used to jokingly suggest that fate was the easiest of women to tempt Experience has proven me wrong. Given glee with which fate is tempted by men and women alike, fate is clearly not a wom...

I mentioned the fun we had a few entries back to Caffeine, and said I don't know why nobody expects me to #### them right back. Well... Actually I do know. See, there are people in the wor...

Hilariously, the person who pre-emptively claimed that she/she was expecting me to delete his/her note and block him/her has: Deleted their note. Blocked me. To which my only comment is: ...

Note left in my previous entry: You were being disrespectful in that school. Very disrespectful. If I was around an Odinist or a Buddhist or Agnostic or anybody with their own belief, I'd res...

You know, my first teaching job was at a mission school in Singapore. (I didn't get to choose. Presumably they didn't either.) My boss asked me to cross out my religion field marked "atheist" an...

OP: One problem. I have no idea what its like to both A) get beat up or B) beat someone up. Me: ... there are the memories that you forget because they don't mesh up with the way you see th...

If companion robots were to ever be invented exist, one might consider that they only love because they're programmed to. And this would be sad until one considers that this is also true for hum...