
Talk Story

by Maui Jim

Entries 222

Page 8 of 9

October 27, 2014


Aloha… I finally had the procedure to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my back… My procedure went well this morning… the doctor gave me a choice of doing an incision… then stitching it up afte...

October 25, 2014


Aloha… Strong wind all night long… somewhere between 35-50 mph… trees and branches down… leaves everywhere… quite a bit of rain… and then at 6:30am the power went out… I drove into town for an ea...

October 17, 2014

Mahalo nui loa

Aloha… Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday… I had a wickedly good time… rode up to Gold Beach with friends… ate lunch at Salt Water… Italian Calamari for an appetizer… Lamb Gyr...

October 16, 2014

Hau'oli la hanau

Aloha… Today I am celebrating another trip around the sun… a friend is driving us north to the little town of Gold Beach to have a late lunch at Salt Water… a wonderful restaurant on the banks of...

October 12, 2014

Big... Big Surf

Aloha… I went down to the beach this morning… incredibly big surf… this was the headline in the local newspaper: “Surf along the Curry County coastline is expect to jump to 12 to 15 feet by 3 p.m...

October 03, 2014

Aloha Friday

Aloha… Started today with a visit to the Dentist… all is well… no problems whatsoever…! (smiles) Treated myself to lunch… came home and changed… and went for a hike along the coast… Back at the h...

September 13, 2014

My Journey

Aloha… I grew up in Marin County (just across the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco)… When I got married in 1968(the first time)… we moved north to Petaluma… then back to Marin after a couple...

September 09, 2014

Fog... Sun... Fog... Sun...

Aloha… The marine layer hovers offshore… comes in during the night… and hangs around until mid-morning… then the sun appears… only to disappear as the fog comes back… by early afternoon the sun i...

August 25, 2014

Fire and Smoke

Aloha… I thought I might write a bit more about the bonfire from my last entry… Fourteen of us gathered around it… seeking a bit of warmth against the cool night air… and the fragrance of the bur...

August 24, 2014

A Basque Dinner

Aloha… Last night I drove down to Crescent City… having been invited to join friends for a Basque dinner… Two years ago… the same couple that hosted this invited me to a Basque dinner as well… Th...

August 11, 2014

Robin Williams

Aloha... May you rest in sweet peace, Robin Williams... And may the discomfort you have left us with, open our eyes to those who hurt... Aloha oe...

August 06, 2014


Aloha... I have often wondered what that wonderful fragrance is called that we smell after the first rain... well now I have an answer: Petrichor is the pleasant smell that often accompanies th...

August 05, 2014


Aloha... My life is kind of quiet... not much going on with me... I went to see the dermatologist yesterday... the doctor saw something on my right shoulder that he didn't like... so took a bio...

July 29, 2014

Once upon a time

Aloha... Across the beach I run... down to the water... and then dive in... Auwe... the shock of the cool water revives me... and although I am not a strong swimmer... I feel as one with the oc...

July 25, 2014

Aloha Friday

Aloha... Yesterday I went to the Curry County fair... the wild-side show was very nice (wild baby animals)... the kids doing stunts on their BMX bicycles was pretty neat... but my favorite had t...

July 23, 2014

The Pepper Grinder

Aloha... The year was 1956... I was twelve years of age... and had a newspaper route... The paper is still in existence today... The Independent Journal... and I had 105 homes that I delivered ...

July 20, 2014

The kite festival

Aloha... It's our annual kite festival... bringing even more visitors to our small town... Restaurants are full... lots of people shopping at Fred Meyer (tough to find a parking place)... stree...

July 18, 2014

More about the squirrels

Aloha... Night before last... I was sitting at my dining room table looking out at the forest... and watching the antics of the squirrels that are living in one of the birdhouses... Mama squir...

July 15, 2014

Summer on the coast

Aloha..... Overcast and foggy in the morning as the marine layer hangs on shore... but by mid-afternoon the sun is shining... and the temperature rises into the high 70s... The town is filled w...

Aloha... The County where I live... is in a lot of financial trouble... we are governed by three Commissioners... that are totally out of touch with the people... and seem to be mainly intereste...

July 07, 2014

Empty nest...? Nope...!

Aloha... I have put up a number of bird houses in my back yard... and now that the eggs have hatched... the birds grown up... and have flown away... I thought the nests would sit vacant until ne...

July 03, 2014

Mahalo nui loa

Aloha... Mahalo nui loa for your many and sensitive notes to me on yesterday's entry... living alone as I do... it really helps to know that others care... and today I am okay...

July 02, 2014

Nine Years Ago

Aloha... It's been nine years (today) since my youngest daughter died... There are days when I don't think about her... But you can count them on the fingers of one hand...

June 27, 2014

Aloha Friday

Aloha... And greetings from the southern coast of Oregon... The rain continues... not too heavy... and not too cold... but enough that windshield wipers are required when driving... It's almos...

June 26, 2014

Go Figure

Aloha... I have a male friend... my age... divorced about the same time that I was... then he was part of a long term... semi-happy relationship that ended about two years ago... now into a new ...

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