
How to take care of your ESA's diet

by Ethel Hart

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How to take care of your ESA's diet

So, you want to keep an ESA, do you?

That’s a great choice on your part. If you need help, then why not get it? But keeping an ESA is hardly easy. I know that it takes care of you so you have to take care of it too but how? Well, the first thing you need to consider is the diet of your ESA.

If you want to keep your ESA healthy then diet comes first. You need to know what type of food they like and what type of food they need. Just getting an realesaletter for housing is not enough. You need to make your ESA part of the family too. Nourish it, help it out, and do all that you do for your regular family members.

There are so many ways to do that but I am gonna focus on the diet since it is the hardest of them all. And if your ESA’s diet is good then other things are secondary. 

So, how to take care of your ESA’s diet? Here are a few tips.

Tip #1: Keep them Hydrated

The first and foremost step? Keep your ESA hydrated! Whether your ESA is a cat or a dog. Whether you want to keep a simple pet or an exotic bird, the first rule to keep any animal is to keep them hydrated. Make sure that you place a container filled with water where they can easily see and access it.

Tip #2: No Over Feeding

This is the worst mistake made by anyone who owns an animal. Whether it is an ESA with an real esa letter or just a regular pet. Feeding them too much is always a bad idea. Overfeeding leads to them becoming obese which in turn leads to your ESA developing so many health issues. Yikes. It is best to try to proportion their food instead of overfeeding.

Tip #3: Age Appropriate Diet

Yes, there is a thing called an age-appropriate diet. Like if you have a cat then they will be more active in their younger years so they will need more food. But when they get older, their bones will become weak so they will need healthier food as opposed to more food. See the difference here? So, make sure that you are feeding your ESA according to its age.

Tip #4: Balance with Exercise

If you have a dog who is very active and exercises a lot then they will need more food. They will also need food with more proteins to keep them all healthy and active. But if you have a lazy doggo then all that won’t be necessary. So, make sure that you balance the diet of your ESA according to their exercise routine.

Tip #5: Occasional Treats

An occasional treat is fine. You can keep your ESA on a strict diet and still treat them on an occasion. After all, you need to keep a balance here. You just have to make sure that you don’t overdo the treats to the point that it becomes a harmful habit. But they are ok once in a while. Healthy, even.

Tip #6: Consult a Vet for Changes

If you are thinking of bringing any abrupt or huge changes to the diet of your ESA then you best consult your vet. Even if you have had your ESA for a while, you should still not be making abrupt changes in their diet. It could negatively affect them. The best course of action here is to consult a vet.

Tip #7: Canned Food Can be Good

Admit it, canned food may be expensive but it can also be good for your ESA. Your little animal needs high-quality food so that it can remain healthy and active. This means that you need to do some research and look up the ingredients of the food you intend to be feeding your little caretaker. Choose the best for them.

Tip #8: Generic Diets for Generic Animals

If you have a cat or a dog then deciding a diet for them should not be too hard. Canned food will suit them just fine and when it comes to giving them something other than canned food then you can consult any vet. In most cases, cats or dogs do not ask for more but you can always treat them.

Tip #9: No Sub-Optimal Diet

Hey, don’t feel bad. We have all faced times when our financial needs were crushing us and we thought that we could just give our ESA a sub-optimal diet. This is fine as long as you don’t actually do it. Your ESA is your lifeline and so it deserves better treatment from you. Would they do this to you?

Tip #10: Exotic Animals Have Special Diet

If you have a non-generic ESA or an animal that is exotic, like a peacock or a sugar glider, then just go to a vet. These animals have special diets that I know nothing about. What I do know is that a vet is the best person to guide you in this case. They are well-versed in exotic animals too so they will know what type of diet is best for your unique ESA.

Happy yet?

Now, you will have no problem with your ESA. And if you are in search of getting an emotional support animal letter to make your pet into an ESA then I can help with that too. For this problem, visit an ESA website where you can easily get such a letter, after you get in contact with a licensed mental health professional, of course. 

Useful Resources:

Emotional Support Animals: How They Help With Mental Illness?

5 Best Animal Companions for Loneliness

ESA animals that everyone wants to keep

Can I get an ESA dog for the purpose of waking me up from sleep?