
Baby sleep consultancy

by sansara

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A better understanding of your baby’s sleep cycles and patterns can help you better support them as they adjust. This can mean changing their sleep environment to meet their needs. Just like adults, the older they get, the more their sleep environment will impact the quality of their sleep. Offer your baby a dummy for sleeping or naps. If your baby is breastfeeding, don’t use a dummy until breastfeeding has been fully established. Baby sleep is something most parents stress about, which can add to their already epic exhaustion levels. As long as your little one seems happy and well-rested most of the time, don’t worry about your baby’s sleep schedule, patterns and habits, especially in the beginning. Things have a way of getting easier and smoother as you and your baby get used to your new life together. Once your baby is no longer a newborn (older than 3-4 months) bedtime should no longer be a stressful crapshoot. You may still have a witching hour but hopefully this has shifted earlier and is easier to manage. Just because your baby reaches six months you don’t have to move them to their cot right away. If everyone is sleeping well there really is no rush. If you have space you might just want to move their cot into your room to start with but if you’re already cramped in your bedroom and your baby isn’t yet falling asleep for longer stretches at night a move might be just the ticket for all of you. Nobody can do this alone, so ask for help. Speak to your Health Visitor or GP and let them know how things are going. Sleep deprivation is one of the toughest tests for new parents, so ask for support.

Baby Sleep Trainers

Babies are never too young to start having a story read to them, and this is lovely bonding time as well as great for winding them down. Babies can sleep in the same room for as long as the parents want them to. Many parents worry that one baby will wake the other baby with crying or other noise. I have found that as long as the babies have always had to share the same nursery, most will learn to sleep through and filter out noises made by the other baby or babies. If your baby hasn’t had enough awake time before you tried to put them to sleep, they will likely wake soon after being put into their cot as they just aren’t tired enough to sleep for longer. Lower melatonin levels makes it difficult for your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep and can lead to early wake-ups. When your little one is still, quiet, disinterested in her surroundings, and staring off into space, melatonin is peaking in her system and it’s time to go to bed. Having a baby is a steep learning curve and aspects such as Sleep Regression come along and shake things up just when you’re not expecting them.

Baby Sleep Tips

Baby’s muscles may be in repose during sleep, but the heart, lungs, and liver (and most other organs) work a twenty-four-hour shift. Even the brain is actively buzzing along during the REM (rapid eye movement) portion of sleep. There can be many reasons why a baby cannot get to sleep, including scheduling issues and age. Always putting a baby down in the same place may help them fall asleep. Sleep regression can happen at any time, since it’s linked to unpredictable factors like disruptions in routines or an illness. But there are a few periods when sleep regression is relatively foreseeable, due to growth spurts, teething or reaching new milestones. The dream feed is the last feed you give baby before you go to bed for the night. This usually happens between 10 and 11 ish, give or take. It’s the very last feed you want to drop. If baby sleeps longer stretches you want to feed at 11 pm then let baby sleep until the morning. Then, after a few weeks of this, then and only then will you drop this feed. Pick out the times of the day that you are most tired, for example, 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Lie down with your baby at these times every day for about a week to get your baby used to a daytime nap routine. This also sets you up to get some much-needed daytime rest rather than be tempted to “finally get something done” while baby is napping. Sleep consultants support hundreds of families every year, assisting with things such as Sleep Training using gentle, tailored methods.

Kids sleep a lot more than adults. Babies rack up fourteen to eighteen hours of slumber, although it’s sprinkled in little bits throughout the night and day. Somewhere between the second and sixth month, day sleep coalesces into one- to two-hour naps, and night sleep forms blocks of six to ten hours. Starting when your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, soothe them until they are drowsy. When they are on the verge of sleep, put them down and let them drift off on their own. Don’t wait until they are fully asleep in your arms; this could be a behavior that may become a struggle to get rid of later in their life. Most babies will need to be rocked or nursed to sleep in the first couple of months, this is normal. As time goes on though, you will want to wean your child from this habit - without using harsh methods like leaving them to cry it out. Babies and toddlers can go through several phases of sleep regression and common times include 4 month sleep regression and 8-10 month sleep regression, so this could be the reason your baby is waking at night. Brace yourself too as they can have another sleep regression at two years old. The safest sleep practice is putting a baby down on her back on a flat, babyproofed surface. According to guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, that surface should also be firm (such as a crib or bassinet with a tight-fitting sheet), and it shouldn’t have soft toys or bedding including crib bumpers, blankets, or pillows. There are multiple approaches to How To Become A Sleep Consultant and a sleep expert will help you choose one that is right for you and your family.

Timing Is Critical

Where your newborn sleeps is just as important as how they fall asleep. The safest place is a flat, empty cot or portable cot in your bedroom. Side-car-style baby sleepers that pull right up to the side of the parents’ bed are also a safe option when used as instructed. You may be able to coax your baby to sleep a little longer by using blackout curtains to shut out the sun’s first rays. Also, white noise helps obscure the early morning sounds of birds, dogs, traffic, and the neighbors. And sometimes the sound even helps a baby successfully ignore the early morning light. Though it’s possible, through sleep training, to encourage your baby not to bother you at night, try to remember that, to an extent, night waking is simply a part of being human. Babies are not ready to operate independently at birth, and since separation from the caregiver is one of the surest life-threatening situations, it’s no wonder the infant brain and nervous system is primed to protest. It is important to say to yourself, “I am the parent, I am in charge. You are the baby, you follow my guidelines.” Because without parental empowerment, an inexperienced and ill-equipped leader takes over: the baby! Parents often blame and resent the baby for problems that arise from this, mostly because they feel helpless. Learning how to calm a baby’s crying and boost sleep can actually boost nursing success, not undermine it. That’s why hundreds of breast-feeding clinics help nursing moms succeed by teaching them swaddling. If you need guidance on Ferber Method then let a sleep consultant support you in unlocking your child’s potential, with their gentle, empathetic approach to sleep.

Sleep is a developmental process, and our sleep needs change throughout our lifetimes. Babies’ sleep patterns mature over the first several years of life, and the sleep architecture of newborns is very different to that of adults. Surprisingly, the best time to start your bedtime routine is in the morning. Infants who get sunlight and walks outside during the day (and whose nursing moms avoid stimulants, like dark chocolate) sleep much better at night. Every parent goes through stages of sleeplessness, it comes and goes with the territory. Babies need their sleep but for various reasons can struggle to sleep or wake and may be difficult to settle at times. Deciding where and how you put your baby to sleep can seem like a terrifyingly trap-laden prospect. You’ll read rules about night wear and room temperature, type of mattress and covers. Many such recommendations stem from research into sudden infant death syndrome and in certain countries health professionals can only advocate conditions that are borne of such studies. Whether you follow the prescribed route or make your own way in the sleeping scene is up to you. When it comes to sleep training, don’t be hard on yourself if things aren’t always perfect. There will be times when your baby finds it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. The gentle approach and caring manner of a baby sleep expert allows them to assist you in the most preferable way to deal with 4 Month Sleep Regression and to assist you and your family in any way possible.

Make Healthy Sleep A Priority

Over half of all newborns suffer from painful reflux. Others lack the gut bacteria to properly digest many of the trace amounts of common foods found in breast milk, and thus have excruciating gas. Keep in mind that because a baby’s sleep cycles are so short, they transition frequently throughout the night, meaning an increased number of possible nocturnal arousals during which they will seek help to go back to sleep. In its simplest form, sleep training is the process of your baby learning to fall asleep by themselves — whether that’s in the very beginning of the night when they are put into their crib or when they wake up in the middle of the night. Does everyone ask how your baby sleeps? Does everyone else’s baby seem to sleep more than yours? Has someone told you your baby ‘should’ be sleeping differently to how they are? If so, you are not alone. From the start, take steps to help your baby learn to sleep alone. Don’t rely on external aids. A sleep expert will be with you every step of the way, guiding you on how best to find a solution to your sleep concerns, whether its Sleep Consultant Training Course or one of an untold number of other things.

Babies sleeping on their tummies has been linked to sudden infant death syndrome. The safest position for your baby is on their back, face up. Consider any strong smells, the temperature of the room and what your baby is wearing. If your baby is too hot or too cold, she could be uncomfortable which may be affecting her sleep. If your baby has sensitive skin, her pj’s could be irritating her, which again, could be affecting her sleep. Be sure to have a room thermometer so you can check the temperature of the room your baby sleeps in. It should be somewhere between 16-20°C A baby bedtime routine can be a combination of things which signal bedtime is coming such as bath, milk, story and winding down. It is recommended that you put your baby down awake if possible. This is to encourage your baby to find ways to get himself to sleep rather than being dependant on you. Then say your “goodnight” and turn out the light. This will help him get used to sleep in the dark. Discover further insights appertaining to Baby Sleep Trainers on this Wikipedia entry.

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