
Leadership Characteristics and Style of Susan Anthony

by stevecarter

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Susan Anthony used two different leadership styles. The first style was people-oriented leadership, which was based on assisting members of a specific group in achieving a goal. Leaders who are people-oriented can achieve high levels of group productivity and satisfaction (DuBrin, 2012). According to University of Michigan research, the best leaders are those who care deeply about people. Anthony was unquestionably a people-oriented leader because she fought for women's rights and well-being. She wanted to free them from discrimination and slavery, and she campaigned for women's suffrage. She was always there for women in their times of need and worked tirelessly to ensure that their voices were heard. Susan Anthony used the transformational leadership style as well. A transformational leader motivates and inspires followers to achieve their objectives. Susan was a transformational leader because she gave women hope that discrimination could be eliminated. The leader instilled in women the belief that hard work would result in suffrage, and it was eventually achieved. She listened to everyone, tried to communicate with every woman, and made sure that everyone was heard.



Her main characteristic as a leader was her extreme positivity and confidence. She was confident that the main goal would be met. Her belief in a positive outcome led her directly to success and assisted her in overcoming all obstacles. In 1877, Anthony gathered petitions from 27 states with 10,0 signatures, but the Congress chastised him. That fact, however, did not break her and only encouraged her to take further action. From 1869 to 1906, she testified before Congress, requesting a suffrage amendment (Sherr, 1995). Following Anthony’s death, the right of women to vote was legalized. Many women were encouraged by Anthony’s strong will because she had never given up. She traveled with speeches, leaving little time for rest, sleep, or normal living conditions. Nonetheless, the end result was worthwhile.






Susan B. Anthony’s strong character and confidence aided her in realizing the dreams of many women who fought for their rights. She was adamant that no man in the world could govern any woman without her consent. She believed that a woman’s delight in independence was great, and that any woman should not rely on men’s protection and should know how to protect herself without the assistance of a man. Anthony had devoted her entire life to work, wanted to make women happy, and had lost sight of her own female happiness. She’d never been married before. Despite numerous obstacles, she achieved her goal and became an outstanding individual who changed the course of history. She was a firm believer in success and had always stated that failure was unthinkable (Anderson, 29). Anthony’s support for women’s rights and rejection of gender discrimination was reflected in her physical appearance. Anthony fought for women’s dress reform. She had her hair cut and was dressed in a bloomer costume. It demonstrates that she was not afraid to face public opinion. In New York State, the leader advocated for women’s property rights. As a result, the law was passed, allowing married women to have custody of their children as well as own property. Anthony and Stanton stood out in their support for a more liberal divorce law. In 1875, she argued in Chicago about the “social evil” of prostitution. She advocated for workplace equity, marriage equality, and the right to vote. Anthony had a sharp mind, and many women flocked to her. She was not only a skilled leader who achieved great success, but she was also a person who changed history and made women proud of their social standing.











The Road to Success of Bill Gates



Entrepreneurship is a vital component of social life. It contributes to economic growth by introducing new ideas and inventions into the world. According to the dictionary, this term refers to someone who organizes and manages a business, particularly one involving high risk (Sahai 5). Bill Gates is the best example of such a person. After introducing Microsoft in 1975 with cofounder Paul Allen, he became one of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs (Snow 38). His success, however, is due to more than just his ability to generate new ideas. Furthermore, his discoveries have made a significant contribution to the advancement of American science and technology. As a result, this is a businessman who can serve as an example to others.







Many people believe that entrepreneurship is a genetic trait. In other words, they claim that genetic endowment plays a significant role. It is necessary to examine Bill Gates’ biography to determine whether it is true or not. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, into an entrepreneurial family. His father, William H. Gates II, was a Seattle attorney, and his mother, Mary Gates, devoted her life to community volunteer organizations, promoting national leadership positions. Bill has always had a good sense of humor and a lot of energy. He was the youngest student in this class at school. However, this did not prevent him from being the most astute. Certain subjects, such as math and science, came naturally to him. Furthermore, Bill spent a significant amount of time reading, playing logic games, and solving puzzles (Lesinski 9). Bill began programming computers at the age of thirteen. He continued his hobby at Harvard. He co-created a BASIC programming language with his friend Steve Ballmer. Bill left Harvard before graduating in 1975 to co-found Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Their mission was to create software for the newly formed personal computer market. Despite the fact that many changes have been made to their original business plan, no one can imagine their lives today without Microsoft software. As a result, it is clear that genetic endowment, supportive family, and social background all played a significant role in Bill Gates’ success. However, Bill Gates’ personal work and original ideas should not be overlooked.



What are the most critical components of Bill Gates’ business strategy? To begin with, the primary concept upon whic Bill



Gates’ venture was founded is an assessment of the current market state and forecasting of future changes. It means that the entrepreneur has noticed that there is a lack of software that can make application programs do specific tasks, and that the only alternatives are expensive paperweights (Bowdoin Van Riper 307). As a result, he has decided to create some of the first software of its kind. Thus, interaction between new ventures is the most important component of a successful plan. However, the cooperation of their founders is also a critical factor. As a result, Bill Gates has collaborated with many companies that developed and promoted the first personal computers. In the late 1960s, for example, Bill Gates and Paul Allen visited DEC’s offices on a daily basis, where company officials allowed them to tinker with computers in exchange for finding flaws in the programs that allowed DEC’s computers to perform normal functions. Nonetheless, an analysis of the market state and a strategy for collaboration among new ventures is insufficient for a successful business plan. The most important aspect is determining and allocating the required resources. Bill Gates’ main principle is to use as many resources as possible. It is clear from his quotation that “religion is not very efficient in terms of allocating time resources.” On a Sunday morning, there’s a lot more I could be doing” (Rogak 227). Furthermore, in his first business plan, Bill Gates determined that investing almost all of his wealth intelligently in the creation of new businesses, which in turn provided many new jobs and important technological products, would help him not only save but also increase his resources. This thought was completely correct. Bill Gates now controls approximately $50 billion in US capital resources. Furthermore, according to Bill Gates, human resources are the most important component of resources. That is why he has focused on hiring smart people and motivating them. Furthermore, he has divided these human resources into small teams, the main goal of which has been to complete a specific task with a certain amount of money and his own suggestions. As a result, it is clear that proper resource allocation and risk taking are critical components of a business plan.



However, in order to comprehend why Microsoft has grown in popularity, it is necessary to examine which factors are critical to the venture’s success. Personal characteristics of the entrepreneur that are essential include quick thinking, determination, foresight, diplomacy, discipline, imagination, intellect, and the ability to persuade. Bill Gates’ success has been aided by their combination and interaction. The most striking feature of the venture that has contributed to Microsoft’s popularity is its reality. It perfectly met the needs of the people at the time. However, in order to maintain popularity, the venture must constantly improve.



What are the most significant changes to Bill Gates’ initial business plan? To compete with other software companies such as Apple (whose computers include a user-friendly interface that DOS lacks), Bill Gates created the Windows operating system. Furthermore, in 1996, Microsoft released Internet Explorer in response to the growing need for people to access the Internet (Shelly 13.17).



Bill Gates’ Importance in American History



Without a doubt, Bill Gates’ discoveries and accomplishments are valuable and significant for humanity in general. Bill Gates was able to improve the scientific aspect of his native state by developing new technologies. There are several accomplishments that have had a significant impact on the development of American history and science, in particular.



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For starters, Bill Gates ushered in the era of personal computers by encouraging their development and improvement. It was a significant step forward in technological progress. The first programming language, BASIC, was simple to use. As a result, many people could put it to use in everyday situations. This accomplishment has accelerated the pace of technological development, leaving many countries far behind.




The release of Windows was the second most significant accomplishment. It now assists in the operation of approximately 90% of the world’s computers. It aids in many aspects of social life, such as business services, mobile phones, retail displays, and game production. Obviously, its invention was extremely valuable to American society.



Third, Bill Gates founded the Microsoft Corporation. It was not only a hub for cutting-edge technologies and research. For starters, it created a plethora of new job opportunities. As a result, many people in the United States may be able to find work and become formally employed. Without a doubt, this has had a positive impact on the state’s economic position. Furthermore, it was advantageous to the people because they discovered genuine opportunities to earn money. As a result, we can say that Bill Gates contributed to both the technological and economic aspects of social life. Such accomplishments attest to his natural talent and ability to rise to the top.



Finally, Bill Gates is one of the world’s wealthiest men. He spends vast sums of money each year on the advancement of education and science. Furthermore, Bill Gates is well-known for his charitable activities. All of this lends credence to the claim that Bill Gates is a towering figure in American history.



To summarize, Bill Gates is a great entrepreneur whose success is built on four major pillars. First and foremost, Bill’s family has had a significant impact on his future career. He has learned to take an active role in life by following in the footsteps of his parents. Second, correctly developing a business plan based on ideas of interaction with new ventures and their creators, as well as on proper resource allocation, has assisted Bill Gates in developing relevant production for society. Third, personal characteristics of Microsoft’s founder, such as quick thinking, determination, foresight, diplomacy, discipline, imagination, intellect, and persuasion, have played a significant role in the company’s success. Finally, adapting production to the needs of the time allows Microsoft to maintain its growing popularity even today. As a result, we can conclude that Bill is a significant figure in American history. His work and achievements have had a positive impact on the state’s economic and technological aspects.







Essay on Contrast and Comparison



It consists of experience-based knowledge, courage, perseverance-based strength, love, determination, and love. Women have an inner character that comes from deep within their inner strength, and they are not always victims of life’s circumstances. In the current family formation, there are three generations of women with a wide range of behaviors and personalities. Given the changes in lifestyle, the groups differ in their ways of thinking and observing traditions. Women’s generations differ in terms of their childhood outcomes and upbringing by their grandmothers. Married, cohabiting, and single women are among the women types discussed in this paper.



Women Who Are Married



Young married mothers are a group that one might expect to see differences in how they interact with the three generations of family household. Young mothers may have limited resources to invest in their children. They should have faith in their




husbands because they provide for their families. Even in this new way of life, married women have strong attachments to



traditions and respect the customs. Although the community hire essay writer still considers a man to be the head of the family, times have changed, and housewives now have the ability to make decisions as well. There are also women who marry solely for the purpose of having a man’s figure in the house. They have no respect for their husbands, never cook or do the laundry, and consider each partner to be equal in family responsibilities. The young women’s behavior is influenced by their family’s history, and each woman loves her children regardless of their relationship with their father. Women of this generation believe in family ties and norms, which are the accepted way of family formation. Despite their disagreements with the men they live with, they recognize the value of a family and continue to work for its well-being (Forbes, 25).



Women Who Are Single



Another generation consists of young single women who believe they will never be able to live under the rule of a man. These women are single mothers. They are committed to relying on themselves and have the freedom to choose the partners who will meet their needs. Some young single women live with their parents, who provide their children with basic necessities as well as any additional support they may require. However, if they are unable to provide valuable resources, single women seek alternative sources of income. Young women have recently secured well-paying jobs, and they can now afford to raise their siblings without the help of a man. These changes in opportunities have enabled women to remain single and select the male partners with whom they can interact. They avoid relationships in order to live alone and raise their children on their own (Russon, 23). Because of the violence and difficult economic times, women are hesitant to commit to lifelong marriages. This generation’s women are family heads, and they make decisions. They have no qualms about having multiple partners and avoiding traditional wifely duties. They concentrate on the love they have for their children, friends, and other people who make their lives interesting, exciting, and enjoyable.







Women Who Live Together



Cohabitation is an agreement between two people, a man and a woman, to live together as a result of sexual intimacy. They live together despite the fact that they are not legally married and have children regardless of the length of their cohabitation. Many women consider living with a man to whom they owe no legal obligation. This is not only a way for them to satisfy their emotional and sexual desires, but it is also a way for them to save money during difficult times. Women of this generation dislike commitments, and they engage in this lifestyle to avoid them if the need arises. Women live this way to postpone or avoid marriage and are afraid of committing to one man. This character is similar to the single women generation in that they are afraid of difficult times related to finances and individual freedom. This effect makes the women wary of the divorce process, which leaves a painful scar in the lives of many women. Young women see cohabiting as a way to test their ability to have a family and marry legally. They put a married woman’s household workload, love length, and implications to the test. Younger women in the household have negative attitudes toward committing their lives to one partner before getting to know him. According to the National Center for Health Survey (1990), nearly half of married women begin cohabiting.





Comparison. Based on the information provided, it is clear that the three distinct types of women share some characteristics. All women, regardless of type, adore children and are eager to bear and raise them. Another thing they have in common is the desire to satisfy their emotional and sexual desires. Women who are cohabiting, single, or married look forward to having a man partner with whom they can share sexual feelings.



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Married women prioritize their wifely responsibilities over their husbands’. They rely on their husbands to raise their families and to make family decisions. They are committed to carrying out their domestic responsibilities, as opposed to single women who believe in women’s liberation and strive for financial independence. The latter do not agree to any form of control over a man, regardless of whether they are financially secure or rely on their parents to raise their children. Cohabiting women are hesitant to get involved in marital squabbles. They are afraid of divorce and the separating process, so they do not want to completely commit their lives to a man. They are financially dependent on the men with whom they are cohabiting (Elaine, 1988). They do, however, share family responsibilities with married women until they are legally married. The three distinct women are present in the family households, and they are the result of their mothers’ and grandmothers’ upbringing.



Essay on the Dream Act





The Dream Act, formally known as the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, was introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives on May 11, 2011. Senator Dick Durbin spearheaded this act in the Senate, which received support from more than thirty-two senators. Within the House of Representatives, Representatives Howard Berman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and Lucille Roybal were the brains behind the tax dream. After witnessing numerous young people suffer the consequences of being in the country illegally, these legislators devised this act. In essence, the immigration law was impenetrable. As a result, young people who had completed secondary and college education were denied the opportunity to become legal American citizens. The immigration law only allowed young children to become citizens of the United States by virtue of their parents’ citizenship. As a result, if the parents lacked the necessary legal documents, their children could not be automatically assumed to be citizens. In essence, it meant that the parent’s mistakes in terms of citizenship were passed down to the child. The aforementioned senators and representatives believed that such immigration laws violated the rights of young people who grew up and studied in the United States. The Dream Act was created to address such inconsistencies within the US immigration department. The Dream Act granted young children who had grown up in the United States access to citizenship status, regardless of their parents’ citizenship status.



The Dream Act’s provision



Essentially, the Dream Act introduced two major changes to the federal government’s immigration law. For starters, it repealed a federal provision that penalized state governments that provided in-state tuition to immigrants (Greenblatt 98). The act’s second tenet was to allow young people who grew up and studied in the United States to obtain temporary legal status as US residents. This would later serve as a stepping stone toward full citizenship in the United States. Citizenship could be obtained if a person attended an American college or served in the United States military (Greenblatt 101).





Among the provisions of this act are the rights of all students who arrived in the United States before the age of fifteen and studied in the United States to become legal citizens of the United States through the Dream Act. This is contingent on their good behavior and a clean criminal record (Sharron 48). Aside from that, all students with conditional





residential status will have access to all of the same benefits as any other American resident. This means they will be



able to look for work, obtain student loans, and receive state financial aid problem solving . A conditional residential status of this type will also count toward the residency requirements for naturalization. The act also states that the conditional residential status will be changed to regular lawful permanent resident status if the person avoided long stays away from the United States; if the person maintained a good record of behavior; if the person served in the United States military for at least two years; and if the person studied for at least two years in a US college.



Negative Effects that the Dream Act is Likely to Have



The above-mentioned provisions of the Dream Act demonstrate that it is indeed harmful to legitimate Americans (Sharron 63). It does not provide any kind of incentive for an American citizen to look at and approve of the act. All of the provisions stated in the act aim to give immigrants a chance to improve their lives at the expense of American residents. The act’s provisions have sparked outrage among the general public in the United States of America. Several responses to the Dream Act were received as a result of the research. On the whole, few Americans praised the provisions of this act. Its economic ramifications for American society would be horrifying. The law is more popular among blacks than among whites. Furthermore, the law appears to be more popular among Democrats than Republicans. This is supported by the Gallup poll, which was conducted when the act was still a bill. According to the report issued on December 10, 2010, Democrats overwhelmingly supported the bill. On the contrary, republican support was shaky (Arnold 234). Similarly, only 33% of whites supported the bill, while 49% of non-whites supported it. In general, the poll results show that 41 percent of those polled supported the bill. As a result, it is undeniably true that the Dream Act was not well received in its early stages (Greenblatt 112).



One of the major negative consequences of the Dream Act is that it rewards people who are illegally residing in the United States. It automatically grants them amnesty. Many people wish to live in the United States (Perez and Solorzano 17). A number of reasons have been highlighted as to why many people want to stay in the United States. One of them is to live a secure life. Many people consider the United States to be one of the safest places on the planet. This is due to the fact that civil wars and violence are infrequent. As a result, refugees flee to the United States in search of a better life. Others come to the United States in search of greener pastures. Jobs in the United States pay well. As a result, they have attracted a large number of people to immigrate to the United States. As a result, the immigration department has recorded a large number of people who enter the United States illegally. It is unfortunate that the Dream Act grants such people amnesty. By simply enrolling in US colleges, they gain access to the benefit of obtaining citizenship despite their prior felonies. As a result, this act encourages illegal immigration.



Aside from that, it establishes a bad precedent for future immigration activities within the federal government. The act’s ultimate result is a distortion of the US immigration process (Perez and Solorzano 41). There are numerous cases of illegal immigrants entering the United States. Despite increased border surveillance, the problem of people sneaking into US territory has persisted. The southern parts of the United States are notorious for allowing people from Cuba and Mexico to enter the country on a regular basis. Many of them have been apprehended and deported back to their home countries. Those who have been arraigned in court have claimed that their illegal immigration was motivated by a desire for better living conditions. Those who escaped the police dragnet were able to keep their jobs and remain in the United States. Worse, many of them have enrolled in colleges in order to take advantage of the Dream Act provisions. It is unfortunate that the Dream Act was enacted to allow such illegal immigrants to easily obtain citizenship in the United States of America.



Immigrants have both positive and negative consequences. In terms of positive effects, they create a low-cost labor force. There are those who work extremely hard in order to improve both their lives and the lives of their families (Alexander). This could be a good thing. However, it is important to note that the negative effects of immigration outnumber the positive ones. For example, a steady influx of immigrants raises federal, state, and local government spending (Perez and Solorzano 36). These costs are the result of increased demand for various services in sectors such as health and education. For example, when immigrants arrive, they expect the aforementioned governments to provide for their needs in the same way that other residents of the United States do. In any case, these people mix with citizens, making it difficult for the government to separate them when allocating national resources. Most of these immigrants are undocumented. As a result, they rarely pay taxes that are necessary for governments to function. In the United States, failing to pay taxes is considered a crime. Both the state and federal governments generate revenue through taxes.









As a result, when undocumented people are allowed to live in the United States under the Dream Act, the federal government bears an additional burden. The act is about in-state tuition. This is where states provide immigrants with the opportunity to pursue an education. As if that weren’t enough, this act mandates that states provide study loans to immigrants. The million-dollar question lingers: where will state governments get money to support undocumented students studying in the United States? (Sharron 54). Furthermore, why should states house people who do not contribute significantly to the nation’s economy? Such immigrants are largely responsible for the United States’ population’s rising standard of living. The government is compelled to comply with the provisions of the Dream Act despite a lack of adequate funds. In order to achieve its goal, the government has imposed a significant tax burden on American citizens. As far as immigrants are concerned, the federal governments have no escape route (Arnold 204). The Dream Act ties the government’s hands and begs it to accommodate undocumented people in all aspects of life. There is nothing more discouraging than providing for someone who is not contributing to the nation’s economy. That explains why many taxpayers oppose the Dream Act.







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Proponents of the Dream Act argue that by allowing immigrants to study, gain citizenship, and work in the United States, they will contribute $1.7 billion to the American economy over the next ten years (Dosunmu 38). This is a logical fallacy because there is no guarantee that such people will be hired. First and foremost, the country has a large number of unemployed citizens. This is due to a lack of available jobs. So, when they say that undocumented people will be able to find work, where will these jobs come from? Another assumption made by “Dreamers” is that undocumented students can obtain study loans that can be paid back once they find work (The Editors). They believe that there will be no cases of defaulting. This is a lie because there have been numerous instances where immigrants have completely failed to repay their student loans. With the obvious risk that loans will not be repaid and employment will not be obtained, the government risks providing all services to such people as provided under the Dream Act. This is a risk that will most likely harm the country’s economy in the long run (The Editors).



The Dream Act is a calamity for America’s growing children. Young Americans were the hardest hit during the recession. Since 29, 70% of secondary school graduates have enrolled in college. This means that the level of competition for college admissions has increased. Aside from that, tuition has been doubled to meet the requirements of a college education. As a result, there is a greater demand for in-state tuition and study loans. The situation is exacerbated by the Dream Act, which allows an uncontrolled influx of undocumented young people to compete for the same limited resources at US colleges. This is nothing more than adding to the already existing chaos (Alexander).



In the United States, there are few job opportunities. Instead of reducing the number of people competing for jobs, the federal government has devised strategies to ensure that more people are welcomed to compete for the otherwise limited jobs. American children are graduating from high school, but there are no jobs for them. Nonetheless, the Dream Act has devised a strategy to attract more job seekers. This has done far more harm than good. Aside from that, there have been reports of immigrants lowering the standards of some jobs in the United States. They don’t mind taking low-paying jobs because their main goal is to make some dimes. As a result, highly qualified people are prejudiced because employers prefer aliens who do not demand high pay for their services. The end result is that Americans will be out of work (Perez and Solorzano 24).



The Dream Act was enacted after much pressure was applied to the federal government to consider the welfare of undocumented immigrants living in the United States of America. Even though it could be considered a good course under human rights provisions, the impact on US citizens has been unfavorable. This is due to the ongoing negative effects that are wreaking havoc on the American people. All in the name of the Dream Act, education has become more expensive, medical services have deteriorated in quality, and taxes have skyrocketed. Many aliens have been given a simple way to obtain legal residency in the United States. Acrimony has erupted as a result of many American-born citizens being pushed out of the labor force by Dream Act beneficiaries. It is worth noting that the Dream Act has had no positive impact on the lives of American-born citizens. This is why the act’s provisions would be unwelcome.



As a result, the discussion emphasizes the negative effects that the Dream Act has had or is likely to have on the entire society of the United States of America. This discussion provides an opportunity to understand why the Dream Act should be repealed entirely. The facts stated in this discourse are supported by real-life examples derived from the experiences of Americans as a result of the Dream Act. The negative connotation of the act has been hinted at in the media and on social media. The Dream Act has sparked a slew of complaints from citizens of the United States. As a result, this research report addresses a number of negative aspects of the Dream Act. We should not hold children responsible for their parents’ decision to bring them to the United States. This, however, should not be used to exploit Americans. The federal government should find a better way to deal with immigrants rather than shifting the burden of immigrants to legitimate citizens via the Dream Act, which has a significant impact on Americans.



The fast food industry has come under fire for a variety of reasons, the most serious of which are: negative health effects, workforce exploitation and maltreatment, cultural degradation, and animal cruelty. In terms of cultural shift, the global fast food industry, exemplified by McDonald’s, is accused of shifting various populations’ general eating patterns.



The number of people suffering from lifestyle diseases is gradually increasing as more people adopt fast food consumption. As previously stated, the shift from more healthful and nutritious foods to the fast food industry’s main dishes of unhealthy and often calorie-laden menus has resulted in negative outcomes with far-reaching consequences. These have a negative impact not only on individuals’ health and mental well-being, but also on other social aspects such as political governance, economic output, and overall social expenditure (Lee).


Factors critical to this are rooted in the socioeconomic and political politics



Individuals with low incomes are disproportionately affected by the prevalence of obesity and overweight issues. While the foregoing is correct, there are a number of factors that have inadvertently contributed to the current situation, resulting in a preference for fast foods over more nutritious (balanced diet) traditional foods. As Watson (40) demonstrates, the negative effects of obesity and being overweight are not limited to the wealthy and well-off, but also to the urban poor. This is especially true in the developed world, and to a lesser extent in the developing world.



Fast foods, their health consequences, and their social impact





Health effects essay writer help are causing deaths, which reduces societal productivity. While younger populations have traditionally taken care of their elderly through continuous social-economic input, current circumstances have negated this critical aspect to their respective governments. As a result, younger and more productive people are dying as a result of lifestyle diseases that are easily preventable through a well-balanced diet (Ashakiran & Deepthi).



Diseases such as infant obesity have created a need for promoting healthy living that makes use of resources that would otherwise be used in societal development. This would necessitate a significant shift away from fast foods and toward more involved food preparation, with children being more involved in order to instill a culture of wholesome food preparation and consumption. There is a need for increased participation in fitness and general exercises, which would help their bodies burn more calories. This is in contrast to the current situation, in which the majority of people are engaged in non-calorie-burning activities.



Alternatives to the Fast Food Consumption Trend





Promotion of Well-balanced Diets and Physical Activity



Obesity and overweight issues can be gradually reversed, if not mitigated, and thus provide for a more secure and healthy future. Exercises are essential to an individual’s overall well-being because of the numerous advantages and benefits they provide (Lee). The negative effects of junk food can be gradually reversed by shifting to healthier and more nutritious traditional foods.



Campaigns for Homemade Foods as an Alternative to Fast Foods



These campaigns are critical in achieving a comprehensive mindset shift. A significant advantage of the fast food industry is its ability to produce great/clever advertisements that attract and retain such large populations. As a result, various initiatives should be launched and expanded in order to emancipate the prevalent ideals of traditional foods. Local/slow food movements are critical first steps in preserving and disseminating knowledge about local ingredients, cuisines, and general traditional food preparation.



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Information about the health effects of fast foods is made available.



This should be clearly stated on the various medical websites and policy networks, particularly in relation to the food industry. Governments should impose stricter requirements for greater provision of vital data, particularly regarding general consumption of various foods as provided in various food outlets. Calorie intake should be clearly indicated, so as to clearly provide crucial information, rendering ignorance as a weak excuse and placing more blame on the individual’s optional choice (Rajveer & Monika 8-9).



Subsidizing Healthy Meals for Low-Income People



This would be a great step forward because traditional foods, while more nutritious and healthy, are unfortunately out of reach for the majority of urban populations. The poor are particularly affected because they have a limited dietary intake and thus rely on junk food. This should be actively implemented through government involvement, as it requires macroeconomic input/contribution.



Organic Food to Replace Fast Food Chains



Chains to Change Eating Habits







Though a far-fetched idea, it is one that can be gradually implemented, particularly with increased government involvement and a holistic social refocus on better and healthier lifestyles (Kirkpatrick). This would necessitate a shift away from junk food and toward more traditional meals that are far healthier and more nutrient-dense.



Fast foods have negative health effects and have a negative impact on society by consuming funds intended for community development. This is because funds are being directed toward the alleviation of societal problems rather than the creation of better opportunities through increased socioeconomic input. Obesity, hypertension, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are just a few of the health consequences of fast food. These diseases and ailments, it should be noted, are primarily caused by lifestyle choices and thus preventable.



As a result, it should be the focus of all aspects of current social systems to collaborate through a holistic approach to addressing the prevalent nature of lifestyle-induced illnesses and ailments. The society should devise strategies to discourage the consumption of fast foods while encouraging the consumption of foods that provide the body with the necessary nourishment. With this approach, there is a greater emphasis on long-term effects, and thus better methods of combating various inherent diseases.




