
Dota 2 Roster Changes

by ReeseaMcknight

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What Does Rekkles’ High Kda Mean For G2?

Rekkles has a long and storied career as a professional player. Rekkles has been in the game since competitive League of Legends was born. He’s also been a top bot laner for more than 10 years. Rekkles his five-year stint on Fnatic has made him one of the most consistent and powerful players on the market. Moreover, Rekkles seemed to be a perfect fit for G2 Esports despite some early concerns that he wouldn’t mesh with the roster. Rekkles holds the record for the highest KDA among all players in the major regions, with an astounding 10.03 ratio. If you’re looking to become a good player, you must be aware of Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles.

However, things aren’t all good with G2. Their playoff run has been bumpy, G2 recently lost a set 1-3 to MAD Lions. Rekkles overall KDA is also affected due to the playoffs. When the Spring Split, Rekkles had the most impressive KDA among any professional player anywhere in the world, major region or otherwise. To discover more info about Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles, you have to check out our site.

It begs the question: “Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles”? G2’s struggles in the playoffs bracket despite the dominant split hasn’t been unnoticed. Do you think Rekkles lack something G2 requires despite his impressive performance through the Split? We must first look at the main reasons Rekkles is so great.

Calculated and methodical

Rekkles is a player who has a clear style. Rekkles is a fan of the backline and avoid Kai’Sa. In the event that he does, he plays Kai’Sa by using her equipment in a manner which keeps him alive during hectic teamfights. Despite Tristana’s importance in the meta and Samira’s brief appearance as a top choice, Rekkles has never picked one of the champions.

Rekkles is a long-range defender. This creates him as an the team’s anchor is assigned to. He’s not going to be kicking on the other team’s front and he’ll continue to produce consistently DPS. This is likely why Rekkles hasn’t had one game in the Spring Split or playoffs where there were more than three deaths, even through G2’s losses.

Rekkles is quick to DPS Leona or Viktor in this video. Rekkles is aware of Carzzy’s Xayah goal and doesn’t hesitate to reposition the kill.

Rekkles continued to be part of the team and G2 continued to focus on each MAD Lions member one at one at a time. Although Rekkles passed away at the end of the day, G2 gained a massive advantage from this dive. This video is from the G2 semifinals game. Rekkles was at his highest during Game 3.

Who is the person who will provide support?

Rekkles’ style of play, in a nutshell, is to offer his team back-up in any way that he can. Most of the time it’s through DPS. Rekkles was able to adapt to the changing meta while still maintaining his playstyle. He chose to use control mages at a time when conventional ADCs were often worse than magical carriers.

However, this season isn’t as clear-cut. Alternative options are just that: alternative. Weird products of the meta such as Seraphine and Fasting Senna (and all the weird supports Fasting Senna allows) are different options, but not outright superior to drafting a standard bot lane. At least, in most instances. Rekkles shouldn’t, under any circumstances, be allowed to get his hands on Seraphine or Senna.
Senna is a selection Rekkles looks strong on but we rarely get to. Rekkles does not hesitate to select Senna or must draft something around it. In fact, the rate of her picks/bans between Spring Split and the playoffs was 89% for every game of G2’s.

No matter if Rekkles has the fastest build or not, he’s lethal on the pick. Senna is a great player at high distances and her teamfighting abilities are surprisingly strong. Rekkles is a fan of supporting his team and put out massive DPS. Her Q has a low duration and her shield is massive. It’s like the pick was made to support Rekkles. There are also unusual lane combinations by giving Mikyx farm, G2’s support.


Position 1 is the carry-player or safe-laner. The role of the hero can ultimately win the game. Position 1 player is responsible for gaining a lot more experience and gold. This will result in the player acquiring items more quickly than his opponent, and thus out scaling the opponent. In case where you intend to to learn new information on video game, you must check out the post right here website.


The mid-laner can play in lane alone and will reach level 6 fastest. Mid-lane players must help either of the two lanes that look to be at risk. Mid-laners can often boost their farm and get early kills on side lanes.


Off-lanes play one of the most crucial functions in the video game. It is important to harass opponents and strip them of as many farm resources as you can. The off-lane mission entails the early use of towers to increase the map for your group.

Roaming Support

Roaming support’s role is to help provide vision, rotate to other lanes, and attempt kills. The support for roaming is the person who usually turns up to contest the 4-minute or 6-minute power rune against the mid-laner.

Hard Support
The job of the Hard Support is to protect the carry heroes game against off-laner and moving support. Your safe lane hero’s safety may be in danger in the event that the opponent extends itself too much. The hard support must immediately make contact with them and stop them swiftly.