
Essay on How to Make New Friends After a Divorce

by Edward M. Attwell

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Women need to make new friends after a divorce.

Book Description

Meet People and Find New Female Friend - Girlfriends

Women need to make new friends after a divorce. There are good free places to meet people and ways to start a new life.
One of the biggest surprises, after a divorce, is how many good friends drift away. But, don’t take it personally. It happens to everyone. Most divorced women need to try to make new friends and to make an extra effort to meet people. Every gal needs someone to talk to. I write my essay about some creative ways to start a new life after divorce.

Online Divorce Support Groups and Social Networking Sites

After divorce, finding new friends online is a good way to start getting back into the world. Divorced women have lost half their money, half their life, and most of their friends. But, even the most shell-shocked gals can start building online social networks and work their way up to real-world groups. Writemyessay editors providing a list of some places to meet people to start a new life:

Search for “online divorce support groups”.
Look for friends, old and new, on or People who can’t locate online friends can chit chat through the “Six Degrees of Separation” game on Facebook. It’s always good for a laugh.
Be cautious about giving out phone numbers or addresses to strangers.

Local Divorce Support Groups – One of the First Places to Meet People After a Divorce

Once a woman realizes she’s not the only divorcee who has lost her social network, it’s time to try a “real world” support group. Here’s how:

Search online for “local divorce support groups”.
Ask a divorce attorney for a referral.
Try local churches.
Look up

Only choose a support group if it’s a good fit. No one wants to hear constant whiners, especially after a divorce.

Free places to Make New Friends – Find Pals to Help Start a New Life

Friends make the best support groups of all. And, every new friend is waiting somewhere on the other side of that front door. Here are 7 free places to make new friends after a divorce:

Seminars: Many people go to seminars alone. A great example is the Seattle Sail & Power Squadron. Make new friends who want to learn how to sail. Travel seminars are also filled with interesting women.
Volunteer organizations: Try a green organization, a political party, or Habitat for Humanity. Women with children can meet other moms while volunteering in their children’s classrooms or while being chaperones for Girl Scout field trips.
Free museums: Virtually, every museum in America has one day a month with free admission.
Outside, walking a dog: Borrow a friend’s pooch if necessary. Canines are terrific ice breakers and most dogs will say, “Hi,” to every other dog.
Outside, taking pictures (free for women with cameras): Walk around town taking photos. It’s amazing how many new things a gal might notice. Women can meet tons of people with the help of a camera.
Free cooking classes: These are offered at places like Whole Foods and Williams Sonoma.
Free exercise buddies: Try to find happy, healthy gals in almost every part of the country.
There are countless ways to make new friends. Many divorced women start out online to build up their confidence. Next, they attend local divorce support groups and, eventually, they go out into the world with a smile. Some good places to meet people require an investment; community college classes are one example. College is the best place to make new friends. In reality, it takes more courage than money to get out there to start a new life, but having just one female friend is well worth the investment.

Information from this article is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a lawyer, financial planner, therapist, or online essay writer. Please consult a lawyer or other professional for specific advice.