
How to solve physics problems

by LibbyMay

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Book Description

The subject “Physics” is not given easily to every student. Some tasks cause amazement and difficulty even for teachers. There is a simple system, adhering to which it will be realistic to solve any problem, you will not have to doubt the answer, and the teacher will have no reason to “find fault”. And preparation for exams in physics will be easier.

Solving physics problems without difficulty

Before you start brainstorming, you should calm down and thoughtfully read the entire task. Sometimes it can be simple, but incomprehensible words can give the impression of a hopelessness. After reviewing, it is worth rereading again. Have you penetrated? We write down the conditions.

We write down the conditions

We write “given”. From this step, the solution to any problem begins. In this block, we write down all the known conditions so that you can easily refer to them.

SI table. Information is entered to the right of “Given”, it is required when you need to translate some value (for example, centimeters to meters).

Draw a diagram

Most tasks involve a diagram, even if this step is optional, drawing a diagram will make them easier to understand. The drawing should contain all known quantities required for the solution. Sometimes for the voluntary inclusion of the scheme, additional points are awarded to the solution of the problem.

Determine unknown quantities

Task question. Having written out all the known information, we draw a line, and then we write in what is still unknown.

Ask yourself. To make sure that all the questions have been asked, it is worth reading again and then asking yourself, “What am I looking for?”

We select formulas

Formulas. Write down all the formulas that help solve the problem.

Transformations. This is where reductions occur, if any.

Equations. From the result obtained, one or a system of equations is compiled.

Solving equations and looking for all unknown quantities

Under the resulting equation, you need to write the known mathematical values. The step is repeated for all values ​​under the “unknown” sign. Start with variables that are easier to define. When all the unknowns are found, the answer is obtained. It is surrounded by a rectangle. Done! If all this is difficult for you, you can always apply for essay help where they will explain everything to you in more detail.


Some tasks are not easy to solve. Many of them require increased attention, but some students do not have a love for the subject. You still have to study it. Adhering to the advice on solving equations from the physics course, solving problems will seem to be a simple procedure, and it will become more interesting to understand the program.

Read the terms and conditions carefully. To understand the solutions, it is worth going through the conditions several times, paying attention to the details. To understand whether the data has been assimilated, it is worth looking up from the textbook and playing it back in your head. Is it the same as written in the tutorial? Not? Re-read it again, presenting the situation visually, as if in a movie - so the picture will become more real!

Decide for yourself. To develop interest in the progress of work, you should immerse yourself in it, realizing that you are doing this primarily for yourself, and not for the sake of assessment, tutor, teacher. So you get rid of the raft of having to force yourself back to work.

Love what you do. Deciding in order to decide is the wrong way. To make the process of work interesting, you need to love physics. How can you develop an interest in things that are difficult to understand? Remember that everything unknown is a reason for self-development, and each new problem solved is a new experience! However, solving problems is far from being feasible for everyone, therefore if you need help - contact the specialists

Repetitions. To make each next time easier, it is advisable to solve one problem at least once a day. This will develop a habit, improve memory and perception of conditions, which in the future will help to solve new systems of equations in a matter of minutes!

Ask questions. It is important to ask a question whenever it comes up, regardless of the reaction. The more answers you get, the better you will be in physics.

Take breaks. Sometimes a task needs a “new look”. If the answer cannot be calculated for a long time, you should switch your attention, and then start working again. Fresh thoughts often immediately reveal a solution!

Remember that the main thing is the selection of formulas. The rest is just the connection of knowledge of mathematics. Write down all the formulas that in your opinion may fit, and then disassemble in detail what exactly is needed in your case!