
I Don’t Want to Be Her Boyfriend Because I Need to Keep My Options Open

by Collins

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I have to disagree with the following article. I think that if you are not ready for a relationship, and if your currently reading this article i know your not ready to settle down. You must first be a player and gain experience under your belt. We all go through this. As men while were out being the player we run into a rally nice quality girl who we think we might want to have a relationship with, so we decide to let all the other freaks go for this one piece of ass and make her “the Girlfriend”

Bad Idea, really bad!  Listen up young players. You do not have enough experience yet. You say how would i know this? Well if you are reading articles on the net about seduction and pickup artist, picking up women, etc. then you are not ready for the long term commitment of a girlfriend.

Your mind will let you know when you are ready to have the girlfriend. There will be a day in your future life where you have so much experience and knowledge about game that it just flows out of you. you don’t even think about gaming women, it just happens naturally. You don’t go online anymore b/c you honestly don’t need the advice or help from the pickup artist gurus anymore. Take this advice seriously young grasshopper. It’s the truth. Do not fall into the tarp that most so called “PUA’s” fall into by making the first piece of hot ass they fuck their girlfriend, b/c they fear loss of never attaining a girl that beautiful again. this is not a pickup artist or a player behavior at all.

You need to start looking for and fucking freaks.. Leave the nice girls alone until your ready. you will only hurt the anyway. Freaks don’t care since they know the deal and signed up for the same thing you did. “good sex” thats it. Use your experience with the freaks to get smarter and better with women until you have so much confidence that you know you can tame a bitch to be your girlfriend without turning into a wuss again.

This whole process could take years, for some many years. it all depends how much time you spend with these girls and how fat you learn and can grow.

Remember you are not ready for the “Girlfriend” DO NOT DO IT YET!!!!

Alex Wise from Loveawake dating site writes an interesting article on his blog about a very controversial subject we all deal with

If I’m her boyfriend, I can’t fuck anyone else, right?

Fuck and no.

Listen, if a girl likes you, and you like her, just enjoy being with her. If you want to be with only her (which has benefits), do that. If you want to fuck her AND other women, you have two options.

1. Tell her directly. A tricky move, and best done only by guys with lots of experience who know how to handle it.

2. Do what you are going to do anyways, but take care of her, and accept that you may get caught, she may get hurt, but she’ll fucking survive.

Listen, if you like her, you are better off just being her boyfriend and giving it a real try than holding back and covering your ass because you are too cowardly to take responsibility for your own actions. Be her boyfriend. She doesn’t need it to be forever, but she needs it to be real. This shit where you have sex with her and then start looking for the door has nothing to do with sexuality or need for variety or any of that shit. It’s all about fear.

If I’m her boyfriend, I can’t fuck anyone else, right?

Wrong. You can be her boyfriend and still do whatever the fuck you want. You just have to be a man about it and really DO what you want. And while a woman would NEVER admit this, she’d 1000x rather have a boyfriend who is good with her and gives her emotional support, and still ends up cheating on her, than a guy who is always pulling away and making her feel like she can never get the real love she needs.

Do it. Fuck it up. Fuck it up gloriously by what you DO, not by what you omit.