

by LadyK

Entries 6

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August 05, 2019


Running as fast as she could she tried to escape the monster. She could hear him crashing through the bushes and weeds, getting closer, almost within reach. Her lungs burned and she couldn’t catc...

July 29, 2019


He put his hand on the side of her head and shoved it hard down into the bed. Jerking her pants off she knew this was the moment to say something. Anything beyond this point would be lost on him....

July 29, 2019


As she moved with the music on the dance floor, she felt hands enclose her waist and someone lean against the back of her. Enjoying the touch and the rhythm of the body behind her she continued t...

You screaming to wake me up because your clothes aren’t clean. Dumping things out and trashing the house because you’ve lost something. Having sex with you so you don’t throw a fit. Avoiding g...

July 23, 2019


Laying flat on the bed with her arms tied to her thighs, she felt the cool air from the AC blow across her naked skin. With the blindfold tightly covering her eyes she could only guess at the sou...

July 19, 2019

First draft

As she laid bent over, face down, she could feel the edge of the picnic table bite into the tops of her thighs. Her arms were tied straight above her head, a length of rope wrapped around her mid...

Book Description

Short erotica stories