
Life as a Mom of 2 boys.....and a girl!!

by It's_all_a_journey

Entries 211

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October 09, 2014

One year doctor appointment

Miles is finally completely better. Hooray! That only took a bit over 3 weeks. Sheesh! He had his one year shots today even though he turned 14 months yesterday lol. 3 needles too! Poor little bu...

October 06, 2014

137 days and counting

We had a nice visit with my parents on Thursday. They came over in the afternoon and played with the kids for a bit. They were thrilled to see Miles taking a few steps here and there. He even wal...

October 02, 2014

Just rollin with my homeys

I just put these Jamberry nails on last night and I am so in love! They sparkle in the light so much. It’s possible I may need to get ALL the sparkly designs now lol. So anyways, after my last ...

September 28, 2014


I’m still selling stuff on my local buy and sell Facebook group. It’s addicting lol. I’ve now made $130 in the last few days and still have more stuff that could sell :) And someone placed a big ...

September 26, 2014

Rolling in it

Don’t you love when you can buy stuff you need without spending any money from your bank account? Today I randomly decided to put some stuff around the house up on a local buy and sell Facebook g...

September 26, 2014

Cavities and counting

I’m so glad it’s my weekend in 10 minutes. I’ve had a tiring week with the boys and could really use a full nights sleep. Miles was super cranky today and barely ate anything because of his cold....

September 24, 2014

Baby's first steps!

My boys are both still sick :( They’re both coughing quite often and Miles has the non stop runny nose thing going on. I’m not minding this cold too much though because Mike and I both caught it ...

September 19, 2014

Free samples?

I just wanted to offer anyone who reads me a free sample of Jamberry nails wraps. I have no problem sending them out in the mail and/or you can browse the varieties at my website www.sarahgartley...

September 18, 2014

Boogers and sickies

Today was definitely not your average sort of day around our house. First of all, we all slept in until about 8:30 when usually we are up by 7 latest. This was nice in a way but it also screws up...

September 17, 2014

99 days until Christmas!

So I ended up making apple butter yesterday with the ton of apples I had left over from making apple crisp last weekend. I did it in the slow cooker and it smelled so amazing in my house I swear ...

September 16, 2014

Why not me?

Do you guys ever sort of “write” entries in your head throughout the day? I was doing that on my hour long drive to work tonight :)  I have been spending a lot of my free time lately reading up a...

September 08, 2014

Healthy eats and baseball

My boys usually eat well but it can be tough to get them to eat enough veggies and protein so I decided to look up some recipes to get more of both into them. The first thing I made was powerball...

September 07, 2014

Recent pictures of my boys

Here’s some recent pics of Cody and Miles :) I love taking pictures of these two!

I’ve been busy lately learning all about my new Jamberry business. There’s way more to know than I thought but I finally feel like I have a handle on most of it. I wrote detailed notes and everyt...

September 02, 2014

Signing up with Jamberry

Friday we got our brand new 2015 Nissan Micra! It is so gorgeous! I just love the metallic blue/green color. It’s super small too so I enjoy zipping in and out of traffic without feeling like I’m...

August 29, 2014

A rare moment

With two busy boys who don’t like to stop moving for a second it’s rare for me to be able to get a nice picture of them these days but today I actually did it. I am considering getting this pictu...

I tend to be an indecisive person. But you can’t really be as indecisive anymore once you have kids. First of all, you have to decide when you actually WANT to have a kid and then when they’ve ar...

So we went to the dealership today and bought our new car. So exciting!! It’s a brand new 2015 Nissan Micra in teal. The color is actually called Caspian sea which is pretty cool :) It’s a cute c...

You know how people say that bad things often happen in three’s? Well, now I believe it. First of all, not too long ago, our dishwasher broke and so we had to go buy a new one. That was a totally...

August 22, 2014

And the fears continue...

So I thought I'd cured Cody of his fear of sleeping in his room but I guess I didn't :( Today he went to sleep at nap and bed time with no problems but the last few nights he's insisted on Daddy ...

Today I am starting over with my diet and exercise efforts. I have taken a break from calorie counting for a while and while it was fun (lol) I need to get back to trying to shed the rest of this...

August 19, 2014

Getting things done

I got a whopping 2.5 hours of sleep last night. Gotta love working and kids who don't like to sleep late. Oh well. I feel fine somehow. I will nap later and get 8 or 9 hours of sleep tonight sinc...

August 17, 2014

Summer blahs

So I think we figured out Cody's sleeping in his bedroom fears. I mentionned to Mike last night that lately he's been going to bed at night with no problems but at nap time during the day he want...

August 16, 2014

Dishwashing adventures

So after our weekend in Niagara falls last weekend this weekend the excitement of the day involved buying a new dishwasher since ours broke. Thrills and chills let me tell you lol. There's nothi...

August 14, 2014

Night fears

All of a sudden when I put Cody to bed he starts freaking out and screaming hysterically. He doesn't have the words to tell me what's wrong but clearly he's afraid. Once he pointed to the window....

Book Description

My name is Sarah. I’ve been married since Sept 2010. I have 2 boys and a girl :) Cody was born July 23, 2011, Miles on August 8, 2013 and Summer on April 13, 2016. I am off on maternity leave until my 3rd is a year old. It’s a busy life but having children has always been my dream. Pretty sure we’re done at 3 kids cuz it is a LOT of work and money to have this many kids but I would love to just keep having kids Duggar style because I love babies and children so much! And as much as they can drive me craaaaaazy there’s nothing I love more than staying home with them. I wish I didn’t have to ever go back to work but my husband doesn’t make enough for me to do that unfortunately. Otherwise I’d gladly be that wife who cleans her house and has snacks and a yummy dinner for my family when they get home at the end of the day.

There are many things I love including all things Harry Potter, theme parks, Florida, knitting, reading a variety of types of books like young adult fiction, biographies of interesting people, regular fiction and some self help books. I also enjoy baking, watching movies and most of all chocolate!!

I’m often losing weight because I’m one of those people who go up and down on the scale a bit despite my best efforts. I’m updating this as of Aug 16/16 and right now I’m trying to lose my baby weight from my current baby who is 4 months old.