
Flash Friday

by haredawg drools

Entries 185

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Must have been 2005 by process of elimination. That’s how my memory works; get rid of all the years it wasn’t. Not that hard, I don’t have to deal with dates before my birth or in the future. Let...

I deal in ghosts. Not the disenfranchised spirits of the dead, as far as I know there is no such thing. When I try to entertain the possibility it doesn’t make much sense; why hang out on this sh...

The air conditioner hissed and spat rusty water, like thin blood, like a snake with T.B. The shade on the nearest lamp was splattered with the stuff; looked like a crime scene. “I’m glad you cam...

Write a flash about resisting a temptation. Cheap hotel pen, taxi, British agenda Prom night and all the seniors are penned in cheap hotels breaking things; hearts, furniture, cherries, livers....

violin, treetop, abandon When I first moved to Portland I lived off the park blocks, the south park blocks, where the university was, and, to the best of my knowledge, still is. It’s different n... I woke up itching. Some motels just make you itch. I orientated to the banging at the door, the darkness, and awareness started flooding back. I put u...

She would brush the back of her hand against my right cheek; if she trailed off to the jaw it meant a sniper at two o’clock, to my ear, a sniper at ten. If I looked where her cleavage was under t...

“Some folks just ain’t right” I ignored her, ‘Some folks,’ I thought ‘Have to keep talking or they’ll jump right out of their skin.’ I wiped the sweat from my forehead with a dirty rag. It hadn’...

Miss Saigon, gym class, dangly earrings “Matt, wake up man.” “What? Leave me alone.” “We’re here.” “Where?” “Ansbach. Barton Barracks.” “Oh fuck did I miss Saigon?” “Yeah, by almos...

Flash 1 Before the bang was foreplay. Before the bang was the void. Before the bang the blood was on the inside. Man thinks of his life, individually and collectively as a series of foreplay...

order, rock, simple “The house cab …?” “Ma’am?” “Where’s it from?” “California.” “Yes?” She always spoke with that upward inflection. Some guys found it cute. I had found it cute. She told ...

Write a dialog between a man and a woman who disagree about something other than what they're arguing about. “I stepped out for a smoke; the street was shiny with rain, the hills shadows on the ...

The usual fauns were out on the dance floor being circled by chicken hawks and coyotes, feathers and hair slicked back with pomade and the heat of Old Spice pheromones so thick you could hardly s...

“Oh, honey,” he said to the mirror, “Who died and left you?” He rubbed a little peach base into his cheek, took a blue pill, one of the oblong ones. “This is your day before Karen was to be ele...

The ghost of fucking Pablo Neruda My boy lay sleeping across two seats on a greyhound, beyond him and out the window the desert rushed past, barely lit by a half moon in a cold clear sky....

pillow fight, chains, missed connections “ … And the chains of the sea will have busted in the night and be buried at the bottom of the ocean …” the band was struggling through a punk cover of t...

“Where’s the boy child?” “Yonder in the catch.” She glanced over the rise, the blue ran darker in the sky over the catch, overhead it was pale as hand me down denim. It made her spark a little ...

You get that shaky town itch there ain’t nothing will do but for to scratch it. I walked off a gig in Battle Creek once; my skin so uncomfortable I would have walked to shaky town just to keep my...

November 19, 2013

Flash Tuesday; Stones

“How do you know?” the boy asked, “How do you know the colors, grandpa?” “Be still a moment child,” Armi adjusted the dark glasses up his nose. An old habit, he’d been blind as a Milton poem for...

He threw a little tobacco on the fire adding a sweet plume to the wood smoke. He told the kid the injuns used to do that to show respect. “Which injuns?” the kid asked. “Red injuns, Merican inj...

“I heard someone say ‘better safe than sorry’. Seriously right there in line at the feed store, just as casual as you please ‘better safe than sorry.’” The tree didn’t say anything. “And here I...

November 07, 2013

Worst prompt ever

According to certain parties who will remain nameless but her initial is G, my prompts for this upsoming flash suck. Not like a cute suckling piglet like the one on that tori amos album several y...

October 31, 2013

October Flash 10/31/2013

It’s just like home. The sun didn’t set, the gray and the wet just darkened, colors lost their definition except for the glow within. I used to live here. This is the place I meant when I said ju...

The cops call. He’s skipped a work detail. The man said he wasn’t coming here but just to be on the safe side. Karen cried, little muffled gasps from the bedroom down the hall. She cries into her...

Last yellow crumb of meth. I burn my thumb lighting a tin foil pipe and steering with my elbows. Hersey’s wrapper, got the kind with almonds, think I knocked a filling loose. Mouth has tasted lik...

Book Description

It’s all the same day, man