
forty-eight and a half

by a boy and his tapeworm

Entries 6

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November 09, 2016

the day after

on the day the thing is decided, the northern sky is clear and an unseasonably warm wind whips through canyons created both by mountains and city streets, off the vast ocean that extends so far t...

October 27, 2016

ella siempre vive

en que panteon, brujita? he types in the little wordbox below a cemetery photograph she shot, gravestones and mausoleums bleached and tilting like bones in the grass, etched in branchshadow, the ...

October 20, 2016

more little birds

wake in the dark…lie in bed, listen to rain on roof, staccato drone soothing, hushing now, moving slowly across the yard, softer on grass, but still cold, wet, bleeding, reaching, down, down thro...

October 14, 2016

ides of october

the trees sway sinuous, back and forth and beguiling, bending under the violent winds, floating great greyblack battleship clouds across the roiling depths of the atmosphere, as liquid as the dis...

October 08, 2016

melt away

the rain thunders on denny the good neighbor’s zinc shed roof and galaxy 500 bleeds from the tinny speaker in the corner…i want to melt away. he looks out the window and at the deep moss of his p...

October 08, 2016

the days pass

the gold-grey light of the sun moves south with the clouds from canada through the windows and across the walls, strange furniture shadows, and if he gets lost deep enough life feels as one of t...

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