
Brief Thoughts

by The Wandering Gamer

Entries 63

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May 19, 2014

Summer Blues

So between my two jobs, there are 6 or 7 people quitting this month. So much for having a chance to relax and get my shit straight this summer.

May 15, 2014


Life makes me hopeful, experience makes me cynical.

May 14, 2014


What does a person do when the only clear thing in their life is that nothing will be the same in a short amount of time. When you need a straw to grasp onto, but everything is blowing in the wi...

May 13, 2014


I'm sure I have pointed this out before, but there is no worse feeling than that caused by hearing another person make your ex laugh. That is a soul cutter.

May 13, 2014


I think the worst thing in the world is the moment when you realize everything someone has said about you is true and you have just deluded yourself into thinking otherwise all along.

May 13, 2014

About "Monochrome"

My first attempt at poetry in awhile and I'm pretty sure it is terrible but what the hell? Gave it a shot.

May 09, 2014

The Next Day

The rising sun is a stark reminder too soon that life not only does go on, but must go on without the ones we love by our sides.

May 09, 2014


My favorite time of the day. The sun has gone down, but just enough light remains for the shadows to come out and play before being swallowed by the dark.

May 08, 2014


If I have to choose between living my life or living my nightmares, I choose the nightmares. They are easier to figure out a solution to.

May 05, 2014


I can honestly say that I have never gone into finals week as uncertain of my future I am this one.

May 05, 2014

The Box

I am definitely an outside-the-box kind of thinker, but it has me wondering if it is possible to be so far outside the box that the box itself ceases to exist.

I am just worn out today. I had multiple times where I woke up last night and every time I was asleep, I had a different nightmare. Just wish I could remember what they were about...

May 03, 2014


Inner strength is a well we draw from when things get tough. It is a renewable resource, but it can also run dry. When that happens, if there is nothing to renew us, what happens?

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