In the Life Log - Day 318 in My Musings

  • Jan. 29, 2025, 12:26 p.m.
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Today was a great day. I was able to sleep roughly around 9 hours last night and got immediately knocked out the moment I closed my eyes. I had none of the bad 3 and didn’t have to take my anti-panic medicine, which I’m happy about.

I spent majority of my time at home today since it’s a holiday. Outside of watching a webinar related to one of my certifications and my Japanese lessons, the rest of my day was pretty chill. For some reason, however, I suddenly felt tired/sleepy around the 7:30 p.m. mark so I decided to take an hour nap lest I feel sleepy in my Japanese class. Classes went well (or so I think), but the new lesson has been a bit confusing. I hope to get the hang of it in the next few days.

Just like that, we’re past the mid-week. Hopefully my shift tomorrow turns out quiet.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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