Halfway Through Treatment in 2025

  • Jan. 20, 2025, 4:53 a.m.
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Every time I log into Messenger, it asks me to input a code because some of my chat history is missing, and every time it sends this code to my old phone number, even though my current one is updated. I still don’t get it.

Not happy that the misogynistic, gay-hating piece of shit is taking over again tomorrow, but you know what? We survived 4 years of him, and we’ll do it again. I hate to say it, but if it wasn’t for him, it would just be some other Republican with the same “values” and goals. Like it or not, this country is getting redder by the moment. On the bright side, maybe we won’t have 20 million more people to burden and hoard our resources. I know most people are pro-immigration, but I feel how I feel. Sometimes what I feel is in the norms, and sometimes it isn’t, and that’s okay. I’m not going to hold back on my political feelings any more than I would hold back on my opinions about food, colors, entertainment, or whatever.

I know Trump is anti-Muslim, but I don’t think he’s as pro-Jew as Andy likes to think he is. I hope the dream I had last night isn’t any warning of any kind. I don’t think it is, though. In real life, you couldn’t just look at me and tell I was of Ashkenazi descent, even though I consider myself as religious as this computer I’m working on. I don’t have your typical Jewish nose, and I don’t have darker hair and skin. I’m a pale, green-eyed brunette with a button nose.

In the dream, I guess a group of people, whoever they were, were after the Jews, and I was trying to find a place to hide. I spotted a distant cousin of mine sunbathing in a bikini and looking rather worried. I then ran into my house or apartment and went to lock myself in the bedroom, but then I realized that door didn’t have a lock on it, so I went into the bathroom instead.

Anyway, I think I’m getting better, but I can’t say for sure. Sometimes it seems like I’m not having as much of a burning sensation, but then I start burning again. I’m only halfway through treatment, though.

Had a bit of lower back pain for a very brief time that ended up moving towards the side but still low down. More than likely, I just pulled a muscle.

The thing is that even though I slept okay with no breathing issues or outside sounds disturbing me, I have been absolutely exhausted all day. My fatigue is totally off the charts, and my mouth feels gross, but I know that’s the antibiotics. They always kill that good bacteria. I’m trying to replace it with probiotic pills every day and hopefully escape a yeast infection too. If after another dose or two, I’m still having symptoms, I’m going to be really frustrated.

Tom got some Orajel because his gums were hurting. Between his phobia of dentists and our lack of money, he hasn’t dealt with it, so I really hope he doesn’t have anything serious going on!
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