Cipro, Doctronic, Dreams in 2025
- Jan. 17, 2025, 2:10 p.m.
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Finished the Australia ride and now I’m in Chile.
Played the new course again. Another hole that’s really cool is where you shoot the ball off a diving board and into an empty pool. You try to have it land in the shallow part, but it usually rolls down into the deep end.
A representative of Doctronic emailed me about a virtual meeting to discuss how I like their website. I get a free doctor’s visit for it too. So I looked at my calendar and decided sure, I’d schedule a 20-minute interview. Strangely enough, you had 20 or 30 minutes to choose from. I don’t think it will even take 5 for me to tell them what I think of their service. Nonetheless, the meeting will take place on the 29th.
Had to skip the Levo today. Got a little tachycardic again. I might just automatically make weekly skips. Yes, it sucks to be sensitive to the stuff but on the bright side, I can go straight for the coffee when I get up. :-)
Two doses down, eight more to go. The only thing I’ve noticed so far is that the Cipro can make me a little gassy and definitely tired. These are normal reactions. As long as nothing too extreme happens, I should be fine. I’m already starting to feel better too. Now that I’m older, I dread the thought of getting two or three of these for the rest of my life. You’d be talking around 50 or more infections!
Might not need the clonazepam to help me sleep while I’m on this stuff. It knocked me out a little earlier than usual. Of course, I still woke up several times. No snoring that I remember but I had to get up and pee, and I had a couple of weird dreams.
Dream number one: I don’t know if I knew Tom in the dream, but I had to go to some kind of adult camp. The “camp” ran for a month, and you had to sleep outdoors for the first couple of weeks. Shortly before midnight, I went outside to sleep for my first night there and realized there was no way I could. It was hot, humid, and there were tons of people milling about despite the late hour, including some kids who weren’t supposed to be there. So I snuck inside and found a room with two beds. A younger woman was asleep in one of the beds, and I took the other bed. I knew I was breaking the rules, and I hated being right under the AC vent, but it was preferable to being outside. In the morning, the girl in the other bed got up and told me I was disgusting, but before I could ask what she meant, some guy entered the room and the dream ended there.
Dream number two: I was alone and let God only knows who talk me into marrying one of my exes. I would certainly never marry exes or not if I were suddenly single. Also, while I’ve never been attracted to Taylor Swift, I told someone I wished I could turn Ron into her. He’s the last ex I would ever marry! I totally settled on him being too nice to say no. I never had an ounce of attraction for him. He wasn’t very good-looking in his 20s, so I can just imagine what he must look like now in his 60s.
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