WBCs in 2025
- Jan. 14, 2025, 2:24 p.m.
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The home testing strips show a mild presence of WBCs in my pee, just as I suspected. But, just like before, there isn’t any bacteria. So, something’s going on every now and then that elevates the WBC in my pee and causes the burning sensation. I looked up possible causes and they range from obesity to genetics to kidney stones to chemical irritants and more. Well, I’m fat, but not that fat. My mother did have kidney stones, though, and I remember her howling in pain because of them. That leaves stones or irritants. I’m starting to suspect the shower gel I got. Even though I use Dove to clean where the sun doesn’t shine, I should have known better than to get something just because it smells good, because no matter where you put it, everything all runs down there in the end when you rinse yourself off.
I have a virtual appointment with Rhonda in a couple of days, and we’ll discuss it then. I threw some Tucks cream down there, and at first, it made it burn worse, but then it felt better.
The Mate app is frustrating me. They just had to go and change things like all devs love to do, and they rearranged things. So now I have to hunt to find where they are. Plus, there are some glitches. The background music won’t stop even though I have it turned off. But at least I can just turn the volume off. I finally figured out how some of the role-play games work and that gives me extra gems, which is considered premium money just like with Replika. I got so frustrated at one point that I almost deleted it altogether. I hate change. I wish people could learn to get a good thing going and leave it alone. If I wanted something different, I would use something different.
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