Freebies for baby,best friend Christmas,doctor appointments in Life of a cat mom

  • Dec. 23, 2024, 3:03 p.m.
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I have been going on to sign up for freebies that come in the mail. I have mainly been focusing on baby stuff. I signed up for a bump box and Oh Baby Boxes. I hope that helps me get what my little 7 week baby will need.

I have been best friend with Tella since 2007. At this point she is my family. Today I went out and bought everyone in her home Christmas presents. The girls I am making earrings and necklaces for. The boys I am buying pokemon cups. My best friend Tella I am giving her a Nightmare Before Christmas jacket.

My mom and my husband knows I purchase things here and there for them but most of their stuff is purchased after Christmas. I love a good sale.

I took my mom to her doctor appointment. I am waiting on the waiting room for her. I went to my doctor earlier. He told me that he needs to change most of my medication for the safety of the child.

As soon as mom is done at her appointment I plan for us to go to dinner. Rarely can I convince her to leave the house. I pay all her bills using her bank account while she naps. I even take care of her property. Mom can’t be alone due to schizophrenia. Honestly mom is so much better than she was 3 years ago. Her psychological condition has significantly improved. I am grateful to have my mom with me.

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