To let it fade in A transparent lockbox

  • Dec. 9, 2024, 11:49 a.m.
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I have the worst drive for sustaining friendships, but maybe it is because I tend to seek peculiar dynamics. I’ve become friends with multiple people after deciding we weren’t sexually or romantically aligned. There’s currently a situation where I have been friends with someone since last February and we had a good little stretch of chatting and joking. As of the past few months though, the initial humour has faded and I’m seeing more core traits of him, where he tends to enjoy talking about himself and not ever inquiring about me. He is generally quite an awful communicator and he expects people to know what he’s thinking rather than him having to say it. He uses me almost as a party trick. Shows me off to his other friends to connect with them, tell jokes, and give advice, but then never inquires with me one-on-one.
I feel at peace with letting this connection slip away. he’s a couple of years younger than me and is allowed to be misguided, but I feel this connection is no longer fulfilling. I always have to remind myself that I’m not obligated to be a comfort person for those who never try to comfort me.
In general, I tend to be a poor friend anyway because I love to connect, but only on occasion, like once a month, which is too sparse for many, but sustainable for me and my closest friends. The issue arises when I enter friendships where there is a demand for daily communication, even if ultimately meaningless.

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