In the Life Log - Day 266 in My Musings

  • Dec. 8, 2024, 7:16 a.m.
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Today was a great day. I was able to sleep about 9 hours, although had some peculiar dreams (I forgot already, but nothing disturbing). None of the bad 3 and no reason to take anti-panic medicine so I’m happy woot!

I was feeling lazy earlier but decided to go to the mall to have a few things done, namely: 1. hear mass; 2. have a haircut; and 3. have my picture taken for a visa application. I’ve done all 3, but not without its share of difficulties, especially with regard to getting a ride to and from. The mall was expectedly packed with people, and I can only expect the trend to continue (if not further go upward) in the next couple weeks.

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and we are once again reminded of the Lord’s coming. In the midst of the multiple voices during his time (the Pharisees, Herod, Caesar, etc.), John the Baptist emphasized to make way for Jesus. In the context of Christians (or Catholic, as I am), we are urged to do what is necessary, especially in the spiritual context e.g., confession.

I can’t believe that the weekend flew by so quickly. I hope the coming week turns out just fine.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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