AC & Kathy in 2024
Revised: 10/24/2024 2:55 p.m.
- Oct. 17, 2024, midnight
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Back to feeling fatigued again. I didn’t have anything sugary, so I hope it’s only because I took a Benadryl before bed since my nose was stuffier than usual. The nasal dilator wasn’t enough, so I got up and put on a breathing strip. I was worried I’d suffocate while awake, but I didn’t, which convinces me even more that the week of suffocating was caused by the nasal spray. Another thing I woke up with was a sore throat. I haven’t been out in days, so I couldn’t have caught anything from anyone. It’s probably just a dry spot that got irritated during my sleep. I’ll take Claritin before I crash.
Good and bad updates on both the AC and Kathy! The AC will be fixed next Tuesday, which is great, but the bad news is that, even though Tom said other companies could fix it for cheaper, this one wouldn’t budge on the price or give us a discount. So, a less-than-stellar review is in order once it’s fixed. When it breaks again in three years or less, we won’t use this company. So much for the peace of mind that comes with a new AC. Thank God for these portable units! (And no, I’m still not sure if there’s a God, so don’t take that literally—it’s just a figure of speech.)
As for Kathy, she didn’t ghost me. She said she’d never dare do that. She accidentally nearly killed herself. I had no idea she was struggling so much! I told her I wish I’d known, that I would’ve been there for her, and she said she knew I would’ve been. I guess the stress of family life got to her. She felt totally overwhelmed by Adam and the kids not picking up after themselves, among other things. She got into a fight with Adam, Nadia was butting into adult situations, and JoJo was being a “butthead” at school. He has learning disabilities, which makes matters worse. Also, whenever she spoke up about something, all hell would break loose.
She didn’t mean to kill herself but went home after dropping the kids off at school and swallowed a bunch of pills. She said she just wanted to shut the world out for six to eight hours. Then, when she went to pick the kids up, Nadia noticed something was off and reached out through Messenger Kids to her bestie’s mom, who called an ambulance. Kathy was taken to the hospital, transferred for treatment, and now she’s in outpatient therapy. She’ll reactivate Facebook in a week or two. She said they took her phone, so she couldn’t fill me in until now. I remember that from when I had a breakdown in Connecticut and wasn’t allowed to contact the outside world for the first few days—not sure how they think that helps, but that’s just how it was. I told her I’ve been in her shoes before, although for different reasons, so if anyone gets it, it’s me.
I’m still not open to new friendships, though, at least not for a while. I’m tired of people going ballistic over the most mundane and innocent comments I leave on their posts, not to mention the stupidity, lies, and false assumptions in general.
Time will tell if I’ll be dealing with fatigue regularly again—and it wouldn’t surprise me—it won’t be the end of the world. It’s clear that we’re not moving. Fatigue might occasionally interfere with my in-home activities or make some appointments unpleasant, but it won’t kill me. Maybe someday I’ll get another CPAP because it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to get a mouthguard made. It’s just not common, and he couldn’t find anyone in the area who does it. Maybe I’ll find a different insurance company next month that covers more, but I doubt it. I’ve learned long ago that life rarely goes the way we plan or want. At least the CPAP is still an option.
I always try to improve the areas of my health and personality I think need it, and one thing I definitely need to work on is being more grateful and less of a complainer to Tom. He’s been really stressed out because I’ve been so into the idea of moving, desperate to address my sleep apnea, and stressing about the snowbirds returning. He’s always had a hard time dealing with me venting. While he insists I can vent all I want and says he’s there for me, he’s just a super sensitive guy. So, even though he’d never tell me not to talk to him about things, it still stresses him out.
I reassured him that, after thinking about it, we really don’t need to move. First, we don’t have the money. Second, this house has withstood canes for nearly 25 years. Third, every time we’ve tried to go off-grid in the past, it’s been a disaster. Maricopa wasn’t quite off the grid, but Oregon sure was, and I have no doubt that unforeseen disasters would keep setting us back. Besides, we’re not young anymore, and building a house wouldn’t be easy—not to mention being too far from doctors, or having to burn trash like in Maricopa which I know Tom hated, and picking up mail. He hates in-person shopping, too, and we’d have to do that if we moved somewhere Walmart wouldn’t deliver.
Lastly, I don’t want to deal with sonic booms again. It was a nice fantasy while I was sick and stressed from Hurricane Milton. Sure, some breathing room around us would’ve been nice, but it’s just not a reality anymore.
Yes, the snowbirds are annoying, but at least it’s only half the year and not year-round. If the honker wakes me up, so be it. Technically, he’s not doing anything wrong. I mean, it’s wrong, but it’s not. Motorcycles shouldn’t be allowed in adult communities, but these communities aren’t what they used to be in the ‘80s, and that’s just the way it is. You can make all the noise you want during the day, and if he wakes me up, that’s my problem, not his. It’s not his fault I can’t always be up in the daytime. I’m not sure yet if he’ll actually wake me up. I worry about it with the new bedroom setup, but I’ll just keep turning the sound machine up louder and shove an earplug in my good ear if that’s what I need to do. There’s also the option of adding a second device on the other side of the bedroom so my nature sounds come from more than one speaker. For now, I’ll just try turning the device on my headboard shelf a little louder like I used to and see if that’s enough. If not, I’ll adjust from there.
Instead of dreaming about moving, I’m going to appreciate this place more and what it has to offer, even if it’s too small. Most of my venting will go in my journal from now on. That’s part of what it’s for anyway. Plus Swell.
Tomorrow it’s back to highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s. :)
Last updated October 24, 2024
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