Cinder's Mommy
Entries 212
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Reusable litter tray,scratching post,new job training in Life of a cat mom
Where my husband and I have 6 cats we have automatic litter box and one we hand clean. The Scoop Free Litter box is great for multiple cats but the disposable litter trays at $45 a week is a bit...
Use Klarna? Your opinion? in Life of a cat mom
Anybody ever use klarna before? I am debating on buying a ditto projector and will have to pay payments for it.
Fibromyalgia misery in Life of a cat mom
Fibromyalgia is kicking my butt tonight. The pain doesn’t stop. During this level of pain I don’t want to argue or make decisions I just want to sleep to escape the pain.
Don't fear the witch fear the accuser in Life of a cat mom
You know what bothers me? People fear the witches that got burned but not the people who set them on fire. I bet those so called witches were just innocent people who didn’t belong. Normal every...
Bridge Day West Virginia in Life of a cat mom
It is Bridge Day in WV. Traffic is horrible because everyone is here for the event. Please be kind to the retail workers who showed up. They are trying their best. Today isn’t the best day to te...
Cold,paying bills,job offer,mom doing better in Life of a cat mom
It is absolutely freezing in West Virginia. It was beautiful last week I was in shorts and now I am curled up in my bed shivering with my cats laying on me trying to stay warm. Yesterday I was w...
Roach treatment safe for pets? in Life of a cat mom
At my mom’s house there is roaches everywhere. Is roachbane safe where she has a cat and dog. Is diatomaceous earth effective?
Lost kitty in Life of a cat mom
A moment in my life..walks into a dark room hearing purring. I step out saying “Ziggy you are a black cat in a black room help me find you.” Ziggy-meow! Me- “Thank you Ziggy. “Proceeds to caref...
Fingerhut in Life of a cat mom
Is a Fingerhut credit card worth it? I heard it helps raise your credit but the things they sell seems so expensive.
Husband in heat after weight loss in Life of a cat mom
My husband has lost 55 1/2 pounds since the beginning of the year. He has been taking appetite suppression pills that does a great job keeping it off. I pay for him to go to a weight loss clini...
Arguing with husband,adventures with cat in Life of a cat mom
My husband last night caught me with my fibromyalgia flaring up after work. I told him I was hurting and I just wanted to sleep after I fed Mom’s pets. I come home to the living room trashed my ...
No trust in Life of a cat mom
If you tell me you don’t like cats or animals in general I don’t trust you after that.
AliExpress? Rosegal? Your opinion? in Life of a cat mom
Is AliExpress any good? There prices are so cheap it to me is a red flag. Anybody try rosegal? What u suggest?
Fascinated with sewing in Life of a cat mom
Since I was a teenager I have always been fascinated by sewing my own clothes and clothing refashions but I dont have the confidence to wear my designs. Yet here I am fascinated watching YouTube...
Arguing over chores middle of night in Life of a cat mom
My husband woke me up during the night to lecture me..again instead arguing with him I let him talk. He got upset because during his lecture I started a load of clothes I wasn’t responding to hi...
Just barely surviving in Life of a cat mom
My husband and I collect change because of emergencies. Today change paid for my breakfast and gas for my car. Payday is Friday thanks to change I am going to make it.
Foraging for food and medication in Life of a cat mom
My husband and I are interested in herbal remedies and foraging. We have decided our first 2 experiments are going to be making flour from acorns and Sprite from pine needles. After that we plan...
Going fishing with my cat in Life of a cat mom
I am tired of begging people to spend time with me. I am done! I am going fishing with my cat. Cinder enjoys having adventures.
My new job in Life of a cat mom
I have worked 2 days at Cheddars. I am a dishwasher. I work for $12 an hour. I was offered free meals my first week there but by the time I am done with my shift I just want to go to bed. I have...
Arguing during job paperwork in Life of a cat mom
My husband today refused to get out of bed to pay the rent. I accidentally took to much money out of his account so he complained for hours. He demanded me to pay it but I have been trying to fi...
Got a job in Life of a cat mom
I got a job at Cheddars doing dishes. $12 an hour. I start Monday.
Another job interview in Life of a cat mom
Cheddars offered me a job as a busser only to tell me I was getting 10 hours a week. They were surprised I asked for a full-time position. I told them I am not in highschool I got bills to pay,m...
Job interviews,cat training,love letter in Life of a cat mom
Yesterday I went to a job interview at Cracker Barrel. Today I went to a job interview at Tamarack. In an hour I am going to a job interview at Cheddars. I just put in a job application at The...
Being human life lessons in Life of a cat mom