6 more pounds in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 14, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
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I need to lose 6 more little pounds to be at my healthy weight! I can really tell I have lost weight and I am starting to look good in my clothes! it feels good! I have lost my chipmunk checks too! It is amazing when you get your A1C low and the ozempic makes my body use the insulin I have. Good all way around!

Today after my shower I was amazed that I really do not look fat any longer....as 90% of my weight was in my belly, my arms and face, Feels good to see the real me and the best thing is losing the weight as slow as I am I am not getting that saggy crape skin!

Jodie May 14, 2024

I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost another 5 pounds and that is just with the pills I am taking but i do not eat sugar and very little carbs and I have another 25 pound to go till I am at my first goal and then I like to loose another 10 or so pounds....I am thinking by my borthday I will be at my goal weight.
Congratulations to you...

theKat Jodie ⋅ May 14, 2024

way to go! being diabetic makes you get heavy in the belly! once they get your insulin working you are able to lose weight which also makes your a1c numbers better!

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 14, 2024

Yeah I know and my A1C is just about "normal" and the doctor said I am doing really well and I don't need insulin because the pills are working.

theKat Jodie ⋅ May 14, 2024

no insulin for me too

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 14, 2024

I wonder if all themedication is the same and does the same thing? it's interesting how doctors decide what to give people.

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 14, 2024

I wonder if all themedication is the same and does the same thing? it's interesting how doctors decide what to give people.

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 14, 2024

I wonder if all themedication is the same and does the same thing? it's interesting how doctors decide what to give people.

theKat Jodie ⋅ May 14, 2024

no they are all slightly different as many people can't take or or several of them.... Educate yourself as much as possible. I read every book I can on this.

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 14, 2024

Well until the doctor wants to give me something different I did read about the medication I am taking now and it's doing everything it's suppose to.

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