April 20 - I Can’t Move in These Foolish Things

  • April 20, 2024, 9:17 p.m.
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4/20: I never smoke weed or even eat gummies, so the whole 420 thing is just silly, whatever hahah stuff to me. I always think it’s funny when this day rolls around every year.

Today it rained non-STOP. There was not one second in this day where rain wasn’t falling from the sky at either a heavy clip or a downright downpour. It was a cold, soaking rain, and I honestly did not want to do anything today. It was perfect napping weather.

But I’d planned a brunch and reserved a table for 6.

So I got up, took the dog to daycare, did a workout, read my book, took my progress pics, drank my water and started to get ready for my noontime appointment with the girls.

One by one, people dropped out. I know, it was a miserable day. I don’t blame anybody for not wanting to get up and out in this weather. But one person did end up coming. We were able to secure a smaller table, and it turned into a lovely hour and a half lunch. I’m glad I got to do that.

After brunch, I decided it would be fun to walk around the mall since the day was so dreary. I wanted to look at all of the new, summery clothes and things…and I have an idea in my head about getting some fresh, new workout gear (in addition to the Pickleball dress) as a reward for all of my hard work on my 75 Hard program.

I’m looking for pretty and feminine workout clothes in light, neutral shades and possibly even a little pastel color with pops of bright color - like, happy yet soft. All of the gear that I have now is black and gray and between 10 and 15 years old (HOW is this even possible?) I need new stuff! Fun stuff. Pretty stuff!

Now granted, I did buy that Pickleball dress in black, but I’m regretting that a little bit. I’m still making it work and wore it last week and loved it (and got a few compliments!) but I’m just tired of black and gray and feel like I’m now in a place where I can lighten up a bit!

All that to say, I went to the fancy mall just to walk and browse.

Well, guess what? EVERYONE and their mother had the same idea. The mall was freaking packed full of wet, stinky people! And they all wanted to walk around and gape at stuff just like me! Haha! Why oh why did I think my idea was so awesome and original?!

Good news is, I got all my 12K steps in (note to self: push this goal to 15K).

Bad news is, I may have gotten whatever the next strain of Covid is. I mean, I joke, of course, but is it still a thing? I was up close and personal with a LOT of people today!

And then I got tired, and right in the middle of my stroll, all I wanted to do was go nap with the dog.

So I left the mall, drove all the way down to doggie daycare, picked up Martini and drove back to [A]’s place, where I stayed last night. I decided that driving to Marce’s house was just not in the cards with the rain like it is, so I planted myself here. And here I have stayed!

I have not moved. I can’t move. It’s this rain.

Thank goodness it is forecast to stop later tonight/early tomorrow so that I can get out to Mom and Dad’s because oof. I’m really struggling to even write an entry.

Guess I’ll stop here now and get ready for bed.

Skeletor April 20, 2024

That sounds like a productive day! I bet you look stunning in ya pickleball gear 😌

I have been packing and loading all day. I will finish tomorrow and head up north. But I am beat too.

Ginger Snap Skeletor ⋅ April 21, 2024

Good luck with the move! How exhausting - moving is NOT easy!

Skeletor Ginger Snap ⋅ April 22, 2024

It was a lot but I’m there. Unloaders coming tomorrow. Yay

Nash April 20, 2024

I love that you are buying new workout gear as a reward for success in a workout program. If it were me the reward would likely be a cheeseburger which says alot.

Ginger Snap Nash ⋅ April 21, 2024

I understand the cheeseburger thing!

But it’s wild - I feel like I’ve had a complete mindset shift. I want to write more about this.

sudare April 21, 2024

Time flies without buying new exercise gears. I’ve bought a new swim suit with the same reason. All were were about ten years old.

Ginger Snap sudare ⋅ April 21, 2024

Isn’t it crazy? I need to clean out all of my drawers/closet and see what’s in there! Is Marie Kondo still a big thing in Japan?

sudare Ginger Snap ⋅ April 21, 2024

I admire people who can do the Kondo thing! I need to clean out my drawers and closet, but it’s impossible.

Complicated Disaster April 21, 2024

It's just 20/4 here!
Also I would have thought that brunch was the perfect rainy day activity! Xx

Ginger Snap Complicated Disaster ⋅ April 21, 2024

It IS a perfect rainy day activity - however, this was the kind of rain that was dangerous to drive in. It’s that rain that no matter how fast your windshield wipers are going, it’s not fast enough. You can’t see anything! There were so many accidents on the roads here yesterday.

Complicated Disaster Ginger Snap ⋅ April 21, 2024

Ahhhhh. That makes more sense! xx

plushcreep April 21, 2024

And for those who do imbibe in that stuff, 4/20 is no different from any other random day. Proving it really is silly.

Ginger Snap plushcreep ⋅ April 22, 2024


Lux Lunae April 22, 2024

Hope you're feeling ok after seeing all those folks out and about. Hopefully you find some pretty new workout gear soon!

Serin 1 day ago

Yeesh. Hope the possibly covid turns out to be not covid.

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