April 19 - Long Day in These Foolish Things

  • April 19, 2024, 8:16 p.m.
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Hi Friends!

I bet you thought I’d forgotten to write an entry today, hm?

Think again!

I just had a very, very, veerrrrrryyyyy long day and I’m finally getting a chance to take a little rest before I take a big rest and go to bed. It’s 8pm on Friday night, but I’m exhausted from all of my doc appointments.

I got up at 3am to make sure I fulfilled my 2 workouts daily. I did my indoor workout at 3:30 before the three-hour drive to [former city] to see my PCP, get a mammogram, and see my oncologist. And I just got back from my long, outdoor walk workout (a dog walk counts!), and I’m absolutely spent.

Great doc visits, though I will say that while my PCP was very pleased with my now 20-lb weight loss, my oncologist was HIGHLY concerned. Oncologists freak OUT when they see a cancer patient has lost that much weight because to them it’s a sign of something being terribly wrong! I had to practically talk him off a ledge and explain my 75 Hard plan and how I did all of this on purpose to be MORE HEALTHY.

In the end he was fine with it, but he made me promise not to lose any more weight. Honestly, I have 1.5 lbs to go to hit my target weight (which is a nicely slim/trim look and feel for me), and then I’ll try to keep increasing lean (not bulky!) muscle mass and go from there.

I am eating cleaner than I ever have in my whole entire life. I am going about this with so much more purpose than I ever, EVER thought I’d be able to put into a healthy lifestyle program. I’m so goddamn proud of myself. I certainly don’t want to alarm my oncologist - especially since one of the reasons I’m doing this is so that I will give myself the absolute best chance of never having a recurrence or a second cancer. [Side note: I do not count basal and squamous cell carcinoma as “cancer”, even though they are types of skin cancer. The skin cancer that is the dangerous kind - that can KILL you - is melanoma. I’ll deal with the basal and squamous bullshit in a whack-a-mole fashion like I’m currently doing. But the melanoma? Nope. Slather that SPF!!]

Anyway. Long-ass day. I’m so grateful that [Athena] offered me her place again for the night while she’s traveling in Mexico. Martini and I will spend one night here, then brunch tomorrow with the girls, then I’ll spend Saturday night with Marce, then see Mom and Dad on Sunday.

Hope your weekend is blissful.


Jinn April 19, 2024

Rest . That was a hard day. :-)

Amaryllis April 19, 2024

Would you mind sharing some of your meal plans :)

Complicated Disaster April 20, 2024

3am is real! Glad you had a good day! xx

World of Bre April 20, 2024

That's terrific you were able to lose all that wt. It's not easy. Ypu deserve so much credit for sticking to Hard 75 and making it work for you. You can't out exercise a bad diet so eating g properly is a huge part if any wt loss program. WTG Ginger!

sudare April 20, 2024

I’m learning how to stay positive from you!

Serin 19 hours ago

As long as it's not precarious or drastic, I'd have thought the oncologist would be all for a little weight loss.

Good job, regardless of the one doc's lack of appreciation.

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