April 12 - Something's Up in These Foolish Things

  • April 12, 2024, 5:35 a.m.
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My direct boss is super weird. I think I’ve told you that. I’ve called him “Inbox Nazi” many times before. He cares about everyone having a Zero Inbox (no unfiled emails) over other important business matters. I think it’s because he has zero knowledge about how to conduct the business we need to be doing.

Then of course, there’s Head Cat, the company’s founder who has a somewhat celebrity status and an ego that spans the galaxy. He has to have complete control of everything - which includes the funding of the business. He’s proud of the fact that the company is self-funded, which means that nobody else has a say in the direction the company will go.

The problem with that is, when you’re trying to develop new products, it takes A LOT OF FUNDS to bring them to life. They don’t just pop up out of thin air. I explained that to the both of my bosses in a strategy meeting we held earlier this week. There’s a laundry list of what Head Cat wants to develop, so I told him that’s great and all - we can do all of this, but how much do you have budgeted to do this?? I can’t move on your list if we don’t have the funds to get moving! I’d given them my estimates weeks ago!



I don’t want to be unemployed again. I can’t handle the scramble. But these motherfuckers are forcing my hand.

It’s 5:30am. My boss was apparently up all night working on a plan to pivot me into SALES. He’s sent me several emails and a brochure he was up working on (email timestamp 3:45am) I’m not a fucking salesperson, but this it’s what it’s coming to with this company. I’m going to have to peddle this shit to make enough money to fund my development work.

I’ve already set up an interview for a job posting I saw recently.

Happy Friday. I have a lot to think about over the weekend.


Complicated Disaster April 12, 2024

I have 2458 unread emails in my work inbox, if that helps! lol xx

Firebabe Complicated Disaster ⋅ April 12, 2024

I'm no Inbox Nazi, but I think you just gave me a minor stroke. LOL.

Complicated Disaster Firebabe ⋅ April 12, 2024

I have 34,138 unread in my personal mailbox ;-)

Amaryllis Complicated Disaster ⋅ April 12, 2024

Username checks out

Jk, I know some jobs are just like that.

Complicated Disaster Amaryllis ⋅ April 12, 2024

It's gone down three since earlier!

Ginger Snap Complicated Disaster ⋅ April 12, 2024

hahaha! To this whole string! 🤣🤣🤣

CharminglyNeurotic April 12, 2024

Eww! No! Creatives don't do sales. Two completely different skillsets. How do they not know this?

Ginger Snap CharminglyNeurotic ⋅ April 12, 2024

Quite frankly, they are IDIOTS.

Amaryllis April 12, 2024

This is hilarious. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it! Oof.

Ginger Snap Amaryllis ⋅ April 12, 2024

Yeah. Big ol' oof!

woman in the moon April 12, 2024

I just heard about someone leaving a good job for a better one.
There's a lot of opportunity out there.
I stuck to a not great job as long as I could. I have no idea if it was the right decision.
Best of luck to you.

Lux Lunae April 12, 2024

It's like they haven't taken any business courses whatsoever. Wtf are they doing? They hire people like you with expertise and then realize that oh boy, they need an actual plan but they aren't capable of strategizing on their own or planning so they think the best spot for you is sales? I hope you find something quickly because these fools are going bankrupt the company in no time.

Florentine April 12, 2024

BOOO, no sales! You are way too valuable for sales! (Not that sales people aren't valuable to a company, but you are clearly an expert developer!)

I hate when things get dicey like this, and I'm gonna curse the universe just a little bit for putting you in this squishy work position again. What gives?!

Jinn April 13, 2024

Fingers crossed this either works out or you find another position that is suitable. These companies always seem on the flaky side.

Serin 1 day ago


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