April 9 - Got Mooned! in These Foolish Things

  • April 9, 2024, 1:35 p.m.
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  • Public

The eclipse was cool to see.

We were worried around these parts that we wouldn’t get to see anything because of the expectation of low clouds and even possible thunderstorms.

But the sky held out until after the event and even opened up a little so we could actually SEE the moon covering the sun (even though it looked gray out), and the full corona ring/diamond ring of the sun behind the moon.

Very moving experience.

They say do not manifest during this time - the eclipse is a sign of transition and beginning and it is a great time to set goals and move into a new way of being.

I am glad I chose to stay in my area instead of trying to venture out. I’d originally gotten reservations to sit outside on a patio at one of my favorite restaurants downtown, but because of the rain and the fact that I didn’t have a date or even a friend who could join me, and because I read that eclipses give chaotic energy, I stayed at my place and the apartment office hosted a little event. So we ended up sitting around the pool.

There were a few people sitting around the pool, a few in lounge chairs looking up at the sky with their glasses on, and eventually the clouds moved and sort of gave way as the moon covered the sun and we had a few minutes of actual awe. My heart was beating fast and a feeling of emotion (not sure what that emotion was) washed over me.

And then it was over and got light again…like almost nothing had happened!

Martini hated it, as animals get a little confused about why it gets dark and weird out, and when we got home she crawled under the bed and only came out when I coaxed her out with a little piece of cheese.

All in all, an interesting day. I struggled to get work done yesterday, which means more stress on me today, so let’s get after it folks! Time to work out and move forward with our new lives!


Jinn April 09, 2024

It was a moving experience and I do not remember the last one making me feel like that .
I kept our dogs in . They did not even know it happened:-)

Cathy April 10, 2024

That's cute, that you were able to coax Martini out with a little piece of cheese.

Ginger Snap Cathy ⋅ April 10, 2024

Yeah. We're two peas in a pod because I ate the other half of the cheese...ha!!

Serin 2 days ago

I'm jealous, I had really hoped to see it.

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