In the Life Log - Day 23 in My Musings

  • April 10, 2024, 7:05 a.m.
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Today was a bit better than usual. I slept my usual 8-ish hours, and didn’t feel any panic attack or wave of sadness. Since it was a holiday, I decided to go to the mall and have a bit of time for myself (bought an intra-workout supplement, Windows 11 Pro license, and “Tuesdays With Morrie).

After doing the above stuff in the mall, I had the chance to meet with new folks - people I got to know through a group chat invite from Reddit. I’d say it was a nice change of pace; I was never the type who likes to go out and socialize but the experience was surprisingly pleasant. I think we got to spend about 5-ish hours in total, including dinner.

Workout was decent, although a bit rushed since I started late (I arrived home almost 11 p.m., and trained about 11:45 p.m., - as of this writing, it’s already 3:04 a.m.). Still had a good pump so not complaining at all. I’ll have to do extra minutes for tomorrow/later, however.

Overall rating for the day: 6/10

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