Peas and carrots, a story from childhood in Just Life

  • Jan. 28, 2024, 1:47 p.m.
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  • Public

At work I was getting everything ready and I asked someone to help me. Not thinking I said pass me the pancake batter…peas and carrots. They looked at me funny. Me and my husband has always said peas and carrots. It’s a family thing my brother and I started and obviously I carried that on to my husband sometimes during conversation if I say peas and carrots it’s translates to please and thank brother and I often had a hard time saying please and thank you to each other so we chose random words to mean what we have difficulty saying. Each group has unique conversations. Sometimes I forget which group knows it and which group doesn’t. Sorry about that.

Watercolor Marker January 28, 2024

That's cute! It's funny how little thing like that seep out into other parts of our lives.

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