Walls and Gates in My Musings

  • Feb. 24, 2023, 7:08 a.m.
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Today’s cue is about what makes me guarded, and what do I need to trust again?

I think of myself as being naturally guarded. One has to, especially when not everyone looks out for your (or my) self-interest. That being said, I do warm up quickly given the right person(s).

With that in mind, consistency at the top of my list. Certainly, there will be some moments wherein some lapses are to be expected - and that’s fine. After all, life does happen through no fault of our own. It is only when consistency (or lack of it) – that consequently leads to disappointment, becomes a real pet peeve. I am by no means a perfect person, but I do what I can to uphold my view on consistency to myself as well.

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